In the last 24 months alone , there have been more than 64 accounts of #massacre committed by the genocidal military junta in #Myanmar where more than 766 civilians have been brutally killed
#Myanmar’s democratically-elected parliamentarians & ethnic groups to speak @UN
10:00 GMT-4 webtv.un.org
#UN မှာဒီမိုကရေစီနည်းကျရွေးကောက် တင်မြှောက်ခံရသည့် ပါလီမန်အမတ်များ ၊တိုင်းရင်းသားများ ဆွေးနွေးပွဲ
ည ၈:၃၀ webtv.un.org 👈🏻
Massive price gap between @Telenor_mm @ooredoo_mm, MPT and #Myanmar army’s @mytelmyanmar as it’s offering extremely cheap prices (2 times lower than private ones) with more data.
📣Online Protest 🚨
📍Zoom tinyurl.com/vdmApril24
📆Apr 24, 7:30 PM California time
Apr 25, 09:00 AM Myanmar time
Join our online protest w/ #Rohingya and #Myanmar Diaspora people
- to condemn coup-leader
- .@ASEAN to engage with legitimate @NUGMyanmar
Yangon-based Japanese freelance journalist Yuki Kitazumi, detained by the junta on Sunday night is now in Insein prison, .@kyodo_english reported, quoting the Japanese Embassy in #Myanmar
He’s also the same #Japanese individual arrested in February.
No respect or rule of law.
On this #InternationalWomensDay, the #NUG welcomes the #EuropeanUnion's strong stance against gender-based violence against women and girls in #Myanmar, the genocidal military in the last two years alone..
"Im not fighting for myself, Im fighting for my generation
Im not scared to die
We have to fight for justice and peace
We all fight together”
📣🎉🗣 Esther Ze Naw
Watch @AJ101East & @ali_fowle on defiant protest against #MyanmarCoup 👉🏽ow.ly/D8k250DX6lA
Two #Myanmar military fighter jets drop 9 bombs & fired automatic weapons into villages in #Karen State, Mutraw where @SalweenP is located. @karenwomenorg reported 3,000 ppl from villages & Ei Tu Hta IDP camp crossing to Thailand, & that the recent attacks displaced 10,000+ ppl
Our home is on fire.
#Myanmar democratic movement is linked to the global #ClimateAction #SDGs
For decades, from mining to natural gas drilling, #Myanmar Military has exploited key biodiversity areas &..
[ Thread on #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar on #EarthDay ]
.@GretaThunberg twitter.com/Milktea_Myanma…
Our home is on fire.
#Myanmar democratic movement is linked to the global #ClimateAction #SDGs
For decades, from mining to natural gas drilling, #Myanmar Military has exploited key biodiversity areas &..
[ Thread on #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar on #EarthDay ]
.@GretaThunberg twitter.com/Milktea_Myanma…
The President of the Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences & Cardinal of #Myanmar, @cardinal_bo, calls for prayer for #HongKong and speaks out for #CardinalZen and #HongKongers
"Those of us outside Hong Kong who have a voice must use it on their behalf"
Read in full here
📍Ikebukuro, Tokyo, Japan
Protest by Myanmar people residing in #Japan protest with performance to illustrate violence and killings of #Myanmar Military Junta
People request @sugawitter to recognize @NUGMyanmar
People of #Myanmar #Japan call for
➡️ Sanction Generals, MEC/MEHL
➡️ Suspend non-humanitarian ODA projects
➡️ Stop Y-Complex Project (@MLIT_JAPAN #JOIN withdraw)
US$ 21.6 Million (until 2030) land rent to #Myanmar Military
@SecBlinken @POTUS @JapanGov
People of #Myanmar #Japan call for
➡️ Sanction Generals, MEC/MEHL
➡️ Suspend non-humanitarian ODA projects
➡️ Stop Y-Complex Project (@MLIT_JAPAN #JOIN withdraw)
US$ 21.6 Million (until 2030) land rent to #Myanmar Military
@SecBlinken @POTUS @JapanGov
In 2020 only 1 MP was detained across SE Asia.
W/ attempted coup in #Myanmar, 91 MPs have been detained in 2021. Despite threats MPs have bravely vowed to cont. carryout their mandates. Int. community & ASEAN must NOT recognize military junta! bit.ly/3ogBKw0 @ASEANMP 👇🏼
บทความใหม่เรื่องเผด็จการทหารพม่าที่ได้รับการหนุนจากจีนกับผลกระทบต่อเศรษฐกิจA new article on the China-backed Myanmar junta and the damage it caused on the economy by Maung Zarni, co-founder of FORSEA #FORSEA #Myanmar #Democracy forsea.co/china-backed-j…
728 individuals have been arrested/charged/detained since #myanmarmilitarycoup. Many held incommunicado. This # added to 600+ political prisoners prior to the coup = 1,200+ ppl persecuted. They must all be immediately released! @aapp_burma 👉🏽aappb.org/?p=13243 #Myanmar
บทความใหม่โดยหนึ่งในผู้ก่อตั้ง FORSEA ความภูมิใจที่เกิดเป็นคนพม่า ในสถานการณ์ที่เลวร้าย Maung Zarni, co-founder of FORSEA, writes "I am proud to be a Burmese" reflecting the current situation in Myanmar #FORSEA #Myanmar #Coup forsea.co/i-am-proud-to-…
Security forces cont. to refuse to allow protesters to leave #Sanchaung safely @USEmbassyBurma @CanEmbMyanmar @EUMyanmar @ukinmyanmar have all made statements calling on security forces to allow peaceful protesters to return home safely #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar #Myanmar #march8th
บทความใหม่ที่ FORSEA ทำไมเราต้องเรียกคนทำรัฐประหารในพม่าว่าเป็นกลุ่มผู้ก่อการร้าย
A new article at FORSEA by our co-founder, Dr Maung Zarni, on why we should call the junta in Myanmar a terrorist group #FORSEA #Myanmar #Coup forsea.co/we-should-call…
Footages on social media, at least 6 #Myanmar police pressing down a person in Tarmwe tsp this morning. Anti-#coup are violently cracked down all morning in multiple places today. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
พรุ่งนี้ FORSEA มี webinar ตามติดสถานการณ์ในพม่า โดย Dr Maung Zarni นักวิชาการพม่าและ อจ Michael Charney จาก SOAS
Tomorrow, FORSEA is organising a webinar to catch up with what's happening in Myanmar. What is wrong with democracy? #Myanmar #Coup #FORSEA
Thank you .@SecBlinken for sanctioning
- Myanmar Timber Enterprise
- #Myanmar Pearl Enterprise
Next -> Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise which finance the junta's #CrimesAgainstHumanity
#WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar twitter.com/SecBlinken/sta…
วันพรุ่งนี้ 19 กค จะครบรอบปีที่ 73 ของการลอบสังหารอองซาน (บิดาของอองซานซูจี) ถือเป็นวัน Martyrs Day ของพม่า บทความนี้น่าสนใจจาก Maung Zarni มองย้อนหลัง 7 ทศวรรษการเปลี่ยนแปลงของพม่าที่ไม่เปลี่ยนแปลง? #FORSEA #Myanmar ar #Democracy