I went to #MartinLee’s legal firm to give him a copy of my new book #UnfreeSpeech. My warmest thanks go to Martin, the Father of Democracy in HK, who taught me everything I know in international advocacy and continues to guide me to this day. hyperurl.co/unfreespeech
1/ It is crazy for #hkpolice to arrest the 81-yo veteran democrat #MartinLee, the Father of Democracy. He is the one who helped draft #HK’s basic law under #1country2systems. For almost 40 years, he has been promoting democracy and human rights in #HongKong.
Our Patron @DavidAltonHL of Liverpool speaks in the House of Lords about #JimmyLai, #MartinLee and #MargaretNg and the sentences imposed against 9 pro-democracy campaigners in #HongKong last Friday. twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…