Call with President Putin @KremlinRussia_E
Strongly urged for immediate humanitarian access and safe passage from #Mariupol and other besieged cities all the more on the occasion of Orthodox Easter.
On #Mariupol Putin's announcement is recognition of defeat. It is a terrible situation, but as long as there are living, breathing, brave Ukrainian fighters in Mariupol, it is not a Russian win. Russians liking shifting forces, priority, assets to other areas. #SlavaUkraini
Mr Putin ! Are you paying attention ? #Anonymous incoming ! #ukraine - We cannot forgive you of your actions and the recent atrocity in #Mariupol Pay Attention !
#Mariupol, #Ukraine.
#Russian occupants collect bodies of killed citizens in underground passage on outskirts.
They want to burn them in mobile crematoria or bury in mass graves.
#Russia tries to hide its war crimes in Mariupol.
#Mariupol, #Ukraine.
Before and after "#Russian peace".
#Russia deliberately created humanitarian catastrophe in the city, keeps shelling it and kills innocent civilians.
#Mariupol, #Ukraine.
Drone video of #Drama Theater and residential buildings, destroyed by #Russian occupants.
Russian invaders brought the town to a humanitarian catastrophe.
People there are on the brink of survival.
About 130K residents still remain in a besieged #Mariupol.
The city is destroyed.
#Russian invaders keep shelling it&deny access for humanitarian assistance.
People exist there without food, water, medications, electricity.
#Russia is killing more & more daily.
#Mariupol Drama Theater from the inside is completely destroyed by #Russian occupants.
This was one of the main buildings of the town,which also served as a hiding place from shelling for hundreds of people
#Russian invaders killed at least 158 #Ukrainian kids; 254 kids are wounded. These are established figures.
The number will be much higher after additional calculations, especially in besieged #Mariupol, where Russia commits an act of genocide.
プロパガンダを信じている日本人に覚えて頂きたい。ウクライナのアゾフ大隊は自分の命をかけてマリウポリを守ってる。全ての攻撃は完全にロシア側から来ている。お願いだからせめて日本でフェイクニュースの拡散を辞めて #Mariupol #StopRussia #Azov #StopPutin #StandWithUkraine
🇸🇾 ويقال إن العقيد ميخائيل #Mizintsev يقود حصار #Mariupol. كما قاد العملية في عام #Syria. ويشغل ميزينتسيف منصب رئيس مركز إدارة الدفاع الوطني في #Russia منذ ديسمبر 2014. يدمر ماريوبول - كما اعتاد على تحويل المدن السورية إلى أنقاض 🇺🇦 twitter.com/revishvilig/st…
Siege of Mariupol: Day 26 #Mariupol 🇺🇦
🇷🇺 Во имя России диктатор-одиночка убивает целый город .. на твое имя .. #нетвойне #Mariupol 🇺🇦 via: @EmineDzheppar @tsnua
A minimum of 17 people have been injured in a #Russian airstrike on a #Mariupol maternity hospital complex. An attack that was called a war crime by many.
#RussiaUkraineWar #Yac #UkraineWar
Mr Putin ! Are you paying attention ? #Anonymous incoming ! #ukraine - We cannot forgive you of your actions and the recent atrocity in #Mariupol Pay Attention !
🇺🇦 " Today, our team began opening up the evacuation route from Mariupol before hostilities resumed.
We remain in Mariupol and are ready to help facilitate further attempts – if the parties reach an agreement, which is for them alone to implement and respect " - @ICRC #Mariupol twitter.com/ICRC/status/15…