«حالا تمام خاطراتی رو که بیست و یک سال با دوچشمم ثبت کردم رو با یک چشم به خاطر میارم.» #GhazalRanjkesh #MahsaAmini #غزل_رنجکش
#FatemehSepehri is a political prisoner in Iran. Right now she's been held captive by the regime forces. Reportedly she's been under severe torture and as a result she's almost lost her ability to speak. She's in need of a sponsor. #MahsaAmini
#FatemehSepehri has reportedly been under severe torture and currently has difficulty speaking. Regarding her age (58) she might have an stroke due to the high blood pressure. She needs a political sponsor. Be her voice. #MahsaAmini
#FatemehSepehri: A political activist who was arrested in the first days of the revolution and unfortunately has not been released yet. According to what is written here, She stuttered due to a lot of torture. #MahsaAmini
As witnesses reported: political prisoner #FatemehSepehri 's health is in danger. She has high blood pressure and is stuttering due to the torture and harassment of the prison officers. She is denied medical attention. Be her voice. #MahsaAmini
Free #FatemeSepehri a brave human right activists who've been in jail since the protest begin. It is said that she started to stutter under the pressure of torture. Be her voice. #IranRevolution #MahsaAmini
According to several witnesses: due to the torture and harassments in prison #FatemehSepehri is stuttering and has difficulty speaking. The officers refused to let her out of the prison for medical treatment. Please be her voice. #MahsaAmini
SOS! There are unconfirmed news that #FatemehSepehri has been tortured and has difficulty speaking under pressure. She has medical condition. She's in a emergency situation. Be her voice and help her. #MahsaAmini
It is often said that #FatemehSepehri, a brave Iranian detainee is under physical and mental torture. It's been reported that she recently has had difficulty speaking. Regarding her age (58 years old) and the risk of brain stroke, she needs urgent medical evaluation. #MahsaAmini
There are talks that #FatemehSepehri has difficulty speaking under pressure and torture and she is in critical mental and physical condition. If Khamenei is afraid of several people, one of them is Fateme Sepehri. #MahsaAmini
Message : in #Semirom is a real war going on . IRGQ forces are everywhere in city. Nobody can take a film or photo . Please help them. #MahsaAmini
Confrontation between barehanded people on one side and people’s enemies with weapons of war on the other side. Iran, #Javanrud, Dec. 31, photo from @KurdistanHRN #MahsaAmini #IranRevolution @n_roettgen @Fr_Bechieau @EmmanuelMacron @SecBlinken @UN_HRC @senateur61 @CNN @nytimes
بالاخره سال ۲۰۲۲ تمام می شود، در سال ۲۰۲۳ ما برای جهانی بدون خامنه ای و اردوغان تا آزادی ایران به مبارزه ادامه خواهیم داد. #MahsaAmini #OpIran
#عاجل_خبر_طامه_كبرا_عالميه بیان صوتی با عنوان: پایان دوران هشدار با «قمر نذیر» الإمام المهدي ناصر محمد اليماني 13- رمضان - 1443هـ 14- 04 - 2022مـ Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani fb.watch/hI21zVqXB2/ Persian #محمد_مرادی #مهسا_امینی #Iran #MahsaAmini Happy new year Covid 1️⃣
امیدوارم روز روان رنجوری را در ایران آزاد جشن بگیریم، جمهوری اسلامی از بین برود #OpIran‌‌ #MahsaAmini
Brussels—Belgium #SayHerName #MahsaAmini
شعار «زن زندگی آزادی» بر روی اتوبوس‌های آکسفورد در انگلستان. انقلابی که فردا صدمین روز شروع آن است و حالا شاید بتوان گفت که در دوران معاصر بیشتر از هر انقلابی، همدلی و حمایت جامعه جهانی را جلب کرده است. #MahsaAmini #IranRevoIution
عکس‌هایی از شب یلدای پارسال ژینا امینی سمبل و نماد انقلاب مردم کوردستان و ایران #OpIran #MahsaAmini #مهسا_امینی
Bella Ciao. #MahsaAmini
This is an absolute disgrace. @UN must immediately stop the executions of Iranian opponents #IranRevolution #MahsaAmini
#MohammadMehdiKarami has been sentenced to death by the Islamic Republic for seeking freedom. His family asked a lawyer to represent him in court, but the it was refused. He will reportedly be executed at tomorrow's dawn. BE HIS VOICE! #IranRevolution #MahsaAmini
It's been a long time since this regime, which is covered in filth and crime, has exceeded its limits. #IranRevolution #MahsaAmini
This is #idarasti. She’s an artist, a singer, a photogerapher and a musician with a beautiful soul. She’s of the minority #Bahai faith. She was arrested by government agents over 2 months ago for simply speaking up for women’s rights and freedom in #Iran. #MahsaAmini #OpIran
توقف اعدام معترضان ایرانی - طومار را امضا کنید! #MahsaAmini #IranRevolution chng.it/prybKXZK via @Change
STOP EXECUTION OF IRANIAN PROTESTERS - Sign the Petition! #MahsaAmini #IranRevolution chng.it/prybKXZK via @Change