On Sep 18, #KatayounRiahi, a prominent Iranian actress, bravely took off her scarf, criticized the killing of #MahsaAmini, & called Iran “a big prison.” She was then arrested and was tried in court on Jan 11. Be her voice. #IRGCterrorists
Abdollah Mohamad pour was only 16 when he was killed by #IRGCterrorists during the uprising #IranRevolution . IRGC should be put on terrorist list ASAP.They’ve hold a country and it's people as hostage. They brutally kill and torture people. #MahsaAmini
His name is #BehnamLayeghpour a 37 y/o tattoo artist in Rasht Iran. On Sep 21, he participated in a protest in response to the killing of #MahsaAmini He was killed in front of his girlfriend by #IRGCterrorists . This is a clear evidence that IRGC is a terrorist organization.
Her name is #HananehKia 23, who was killed by #IRGCterrorists while she was going to doctor. IRGC shot her even though she wasn’t doing anything (not even protesting) Another example of why IRGC is a terrorist organization #MahsaAmini
She’s #KatayounRiahi, an Iranian actress, bravely took off her scarf, criticized the killing of #MahsaAmini on Sep 18. Later she was kidnapped by #IRGCterrorists ,we have no news about her and her condition We’re deeply worried about her.
#MehranSamak ,27, who was shot in the head in his car by #IRGCterrorists , while celebrating the IR team's elimination from the World cup in Anzali,north of Iran. IRGC killed him on 29 November. #MahsaAmini Isn’t it a clear evidence that shows IRGC is a terrorist organization??
۱۶ ژانویه‘ حرکت اتوبوس‌‌ها از هلند، میلان، برلین، تورین به سمت استراسبورگ. #مهسا_امینی #MahsaAmini
In Rudsar, the #IRGCterrorists directly firing with guns to the people. THIS IS WHY IRGC IS TERRORIST #MahsaAmini
Kermanshah on 20 September, 2022 The #IRGCterrorists forces directly firing with guns to the people. THIS IS WHY IRGC IS TERRORIST #MahsaAmini
In Iran, if you come out as a member of the LGBTQ family, you will be executed. A couple, Mokhtar & Ali (more known as Aban & Khorshid) were executed in 2005 because they were in a relationship. #IRGCterrorists #MahsaAmini
اگر از مردم ایران حمایت می کنید در گسترش این همه جا به ما بپیوندید #IRGCterrorists #MahsaAmini #WomanLifeFreedom #IranRevolution
Join us in spreading this far and wide if you support the people of #Iran #IranRevolution #IRGCterrorists #MahsaAmini
Take the balloon 🎈 And imagine yourself under the rule of the islamic republic. #IRGCterrorists #OpIran #MahsaAmini #IranRevolution
#YaldaAghafazli is the innocent girl who was kidnapped by #IRGCterrorists She was completely healthy mentally&physically (before being arrested) She committed suicide only 2 day after being released from prison. #MahsaAmini
An example of the IRGC being a terrorist. #IRGCterrorists #MahsaAmini
Iran has a population of 85 million,of which at least 75 million do not like the Islamic Republic But if these people go out to protest, they will face severe repression Please help us achieve our goals by placing the IRGC in the category of terrorists #IRGCterrorists #MahsaAmini
We Iranian revolutionaries request the world to expel the terrorist ambassadors of the Islamic Republic. By doing this, you will save the children of Iran, Ukraine, Iraq and Syria. Be the voice of humanity. #IRGCterrorists #IranRevoIution #MahsaAmini
#MohsenShekari was 23 y/o when the Islamic republic executed him. He was completely innocent but still they showed him no mercy and killed him This clearly shows that IRGC and IR it self are terrorist organizations. #MahsaAmini #IRGCterrorists
#HastiHosseinPanahi a 16 years old student has been in coma for almost 2 months now. She burnt a picture of Khameneyi.#IRGCterrorists followed the car she was in after school to arrest her.When the forces tried to arrest her,she tried to escape from them+ #MahsaAmini
دعوت اوکراینی ها به پیوستن به ایرانی‌ها در تجمع ١۶ ژانویه استراسبورگ و همراه کردن آنها برای قرار دادن سپاه در لیست سازمان‌های تروریستی. ○هشتگ‌ها: #IRGCterrorists #IranRevolution #MahsaAmini
Protesters in #Zahedan came to streets for the 15th consecutive Friday after the #BloodyFriday on the 30th of Sep. “this is not flood that you stay home to keep yourself alive, you have to come out to stay alive” #IRGCterrorists #MahsaAmini
Remembering #SattarBeheshti , an Iranian blogger who died under torture in an Iranian prison. Since Sattar’s death at age 35, his mother, Gohar Eshghi has been fighting tirelessly for justice, despite her deteriorating health. #IRGCterrorists #MahsaAmini
イランの人々と共に立ちましょう。 #StopExecutionsInIran #MahsaAmini #WomanLifeFreedom #FreeIran