レバノンの首都ベイルートの港で、4日夕方、大規模な爆発がありました。被害の規模は分かりませんが、レバノンの国営通信は、けが人が出ているほか、車両や住宅への被害も確認されていると伝えています。 #Lebanon
BREAKING: We have just launched Operation Northern Shield to expose and neutralize cross-border attack tunnels dug by Hezbollah from #Lebanon to #Israel. #NorthernShield
180ft deep underground
2,624ft dug under #Lebanon
Dozens of yards dug into Israel
This #Hezbollah attack tunnel was dug from the Lebanese village of Ramyeh into Israel & will be neutralized soon.
We have now exposed all attack tunnels dug by Hezbollah from Lebanon into Israel.
Students protest and clash with security forces after tuition is hiked by 160 percent overnight. #Lebanon
Wish Allah’s mercy upon those who lost their lives in the explosion occurred in the port of Beirut. Condolences to the brotherly and friendly people of #Lebanon. Hoping there won’t be any more losses. Ready to assist our Lebanese brothers & sisters in every way. 🇹🇷🇱🇧
Happy Independence Day to the people of #Lebanon, our neighbors to the north! We hope you will soon be free of Iranian imperialism and #Hezbollah’s terrorism in your country.
EXPOSED: Underneath this Shi'ite village of Ramyeh in Southern #Lebanon, lies another attack tunnel that crosses several meters into #Israel, dug by #Hezbollah as part of an offensive plan they call “Conquering the Galilee”.
#Türkiye’ye dayanışma ziyareti gerçekleştiren kardeş #Lübnan’ın Dışişleri Bakanı Bouhabib ve Ulaştırma Bakanı Hamie’ye Lübnan’ın desteği için teşekkür ettik.#deprem
Thanked FM Bouhabib & TM @alihamie_lb of #Lebanon for support of Lebanon & its people. #earthquake 🇹🇷🇱🇧
IDF soldiers spotted & monitored a drone infiltrating Israeli airspace from #Lebanon earlier this evening.
We will continue to operate to stop any attempt to violate Israeli sovereignty.
We found 3 locations where our security fence along the Blue Line with #Lebanon was damaged tonight. We can confirm that no infiltration from Lebanon into Israel occurred.
This is a severe event. We hold the Lebanese government responsible for actions from its territory.
Take a look at this video we found on YouTube: Two guys driving along #Lebanon’s border with #Israel raising some interesting questions. Watch until the end and you’ll see that the answers are right in front of their eyes. #FreeLebanon
WATCH: This what it looks like inside a cross-border attack tunnel dug by Hezbollah from #Lebanon into #Israel exposed by our soldiers during Operation #NorthernShield.
@CNN’s @ianjameslee takes a closer look
#Lübnan Başbakanıyla çok boyutlu ilişkilerimizi detaylı şekilde ele aldık.Kardeş Lübnan’ın istikrarına desteğimiz devam edecek.
Discussed our multidimensional relations in detail with PM @Najib_Mikati of #Lebanon. Our support to stability of brotherly Lebanon will continue.🇹🇷🇱🇧
#Lebanon: The stockpile of ammonium nitrate that destroyed Beirut's port in 2020 had been imported by businessmen with ties to Syrian Dictator Assad.
"may have been a byproduct of Syrian officials’ attempts to source nitrate to use in weapons."
Report: theguardian.com/world/2021/jan… twitter.com/YourAnonCentra…
EXPOSED: A Hezbollah attack tunnel dug from southern Kafr Kela in #Lebanon into Israeli territory with the intention of harming Israeli civilians. We found and neutralized it. #NorthernShield
IDF soldiers work around the clock to expose cross-border attack tunnels dug by Hezbollah from #Lebanon into #Israel.
Take a look at what they got up to over the weekend. #NorthernShield
This is what it looks like 80+ feet underground, inside a Hezbollah attack tunnel dug from under a home in #Lebanon into #Israel.
Continued our bilaterals in Italy w/Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense @zeinaakar of #Lebanon, FM @SigridKaag of the #Netherlands and FM Alexander #Schallenberg of #Austria.🇹🇷🇱🇧🇳🇱🇦🇹