LZ Pad 已准​​备好迎接今年 8 月最重要的里程碑:@StepHeroNFTs IDO 你需要知道的 IDO 时间表: 👉白名单开放时间:8 月 3 日 👉白名单关闭时间:8 月 13 日 👉白名单结果公布时间:8 月 14 日 👉IDO启动日期:8月15日 #LaunchZonehref="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ #LZP$LZP #NFTgame twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
3天 有1萬2千人 註冊 #白名單 😎 太不可思議了! 有意思❤️❤️❤️ 您是想 @StepHeroNFTs #IDO#LaunchZone 去月球還是去火星?🚀 twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
@StepHeroNFTs, #Whitelist is opened at 3:00 UTC on August 3rd #Whitelist will close at 16:00 UTC on August 13th Announcement of results at 8:00 UTC on August 14th Follow us for important information about StepHeroes' #NFT game. #LaunchZone #LZPad #LZ #LZP twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
#LZPool will be released on August 7th at 13:00 UTC #LZP will be the new star on #BSC Farmer 4.0 to get more #LZP Farmer 4.0 to earn more #LZP #LaunchZone #LZPool #LZ #LZP 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
The #LZHeroes subscription campaign is still open. Go to @TheSowerBot on Telegram and type /Heroes -> follow the instructions to register. Note: you will need 50 $LZ#LZ be able to register successfully. #BSC #LaunchZone $BN#BNBZ#LZZP
Warning Scam, Scam, Scam. @StepHeroNFTs haven't opened any token sale yet. So when you receive a message in telegram as shown below, it is 100% Scam, be wary. Please Block and delete them immediately. Be careful not to lose money. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
You can use #LZSwap to swap any Bep-20 token contract address you desire. #LZSwap allows you to exchange with extremely little slippage, low gas expenses, and high liquidity. See more: swap.lz.finance #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
Hot News. At 13:00 UTC on August 7, 2021. #LZPool officially opens mining pools to receive #LZP tokens with the following allocation ratio: Farming #LZ/$USDT: 5% Farming #LZ/$USDC: 5% Farming #LZ/$BUSD: 5% Single staking #LZ: 40% Single staking #LZP: 45% Farmer 4.0. #LaunchZone
LZ Swap 现在支持自定义代币。 输入你想要的 #BEP20 token 的合约地址并兑换。 交换任何 coin: 👉低滑点 👉低费用 👉高流动性 swap.lz.finance #LaunchZone href="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ$LZ twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
Hot news, Congratulations @CremePieSwap! #CPIE will be listed on @CoinMarketCap soon. This will be a big turning point for #CPIE to thrive. #CPIE I trust. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
Congratulations @StepHeroNFTs. The numbers are impressive given the rapid growth of media channels. This data is aggregated for a month through July 31. I am looking forward to August 15th. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP #StepHero #whitelist #IDO twitter.com/StepHeroNFTs/s…
Congratulations BSCEX SWAPX (#LZSwap)! You were in No.4 place in the top-10 Dexs with the highest social signal. This is the result of the professional and hard work of the development team. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP #BUIDL #HODL
August 15th. @STEPHeroes #IDO will be on #LaunchPad. @StepHeroNFTs - The NFTs project includes a highly liquid market and an engaging RPG game with a world-class collectible design. Registration for #Whitelist is open. Registration for the #LZheroes campaign is open. #LaunchZone
Although only recently listed on @DappRadar, #LZSwap has been supported by a large number of users. #LZSwap is in the top 3 #Dapps. Using #LZSwap, users can earn more tokens than using other #Dapps. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
#LZHeroes 是給那些熱心和積極支持社區的成員的 #LaunchZone 以各種方式,例如投資,推廣,向 #LaunchZone 提供反饋,同時幫助其他用戶 加入#LZHeroes 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 docs.lz.finance/how-to-registetwitter.com/launchzoneann/…
#LZHeroes 是給那些熱心和積極支持社區的成員的 #LaunchZone 以各種方式,例如投資,推廣,向 #LaunchZone 提供反饋,同時幫助其他用戶 加入#LZHeroes 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 docs.lz.finance/how-to-registetwitter.com/launchzoneann/…
注册 #LZHeroes 成功后, 每当你点赞和转推LaunchZone的 KOL 的帖子时,就会计算点数(1 点 = 1个点赞和转推)。 KOL 的帖子:t.me/launchzonenews 达到越多点数,你的参与LZ Pad上 的 IDO 机会越高。 每轮 IDO 后,所有积分都会重置。 还有很多IDO在等你!🥳🎉🎁 #LaunchZone href="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ$#LZPLZP
@StepHeroNFTs#whitelist 比夏天的熱還熱!哈哈 還不到2天就有 1萬人報名了 太牛了。 @StepHeroNFTs #IDO#LaunchZone🌈 前 20 名會將獲得特別的 獎勵#StepHero 改變你的一切! twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
#LZHeroes キャンペーンが始まりました。 Telegramで@TheSowerBotにアクセスし、指示に従って#LZHeroesにサインアップできます。 高得点者は私たちの #IDO に参加することができます。 #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
I have officially become a #LZHeroes. Once you've registered, you can retype the /Heroes syntax in @TheSowerBot to double-check. If there are any difficulties in registering, please leave a message here. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
#LZHeroes 注册现已开放! 很简单的: 👉 找 The Sower Bot 并输入 /heroes 👉 跟着机器人的要求操作。 只要几分钟我就完成注册了。 别错过这么好的赚钱机会,还有丰厚奖励等你来拿! 🥳 #StepHero #IDO #LaunchZone href="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ$LZ twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
Our #LZHeroes registration campaign is now open. To join, go to @TheSowerBot on Telegram and follow the instructions. When you register for #LZHeroes, there are many interesting things for you. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
Congratulations @StepHeroNFTs! Both your Telegram and Twitter accounts have 44K followers in just 20 days. This is a fantastic beginning. By August 15th, I believe this figure will have surpassed 100K. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP #StepHero #IDO
在 36 小时内已有 8千用户注册白名单!😮 @StepHeroNFTs #IDO on #LaunchZone 将是一个巨大的成功! 你们达到几张 Ticket 了?😉 Top 20 会收到非常吸引的奖励 ✨✨✨。 还没参与白名单的人可以在这里注册: stephero.lz.finance/?ref_by=aDcisJ… #LaunchZonea href="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZL#LZPZP twitter.com/RubyArmy1411/s…
在 36 小时内已有 8千用户注册白名单!😮 @StepHeroNFTs #IDO on #LaunchZone 将是一个巨大的成功! 你们达到几张 Ticket 了?😉 Top 20 会收到非常吸引的奖励 ✨✨✨。 还没参与白名单的人可以在这里注册: stephero.lz.finance/?ref_by=aDcisJ… #LaunchZonea href="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZL#LZPZP twitter.com/RubyArmy1411/s…