⭕️Do you want a place to immerse yourself in nature? 👉Only 45-minute from Hanoi Center, Heron Eco Wellness Retreat is perfect for a weekend getaway. 👉All made possible by the upcoming #IDO on #LZPad. We are the new wave of #DeFi. #LaunchZonea href="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZL#LZPZP
.@moniwar_game token: 👉 Ticker:#MOWAA 👉 Decimals: 18 👉 Total supply: 300,000,0#MOWAOWA 👉 Official contract address: 0x411Ec510c85C9e56271bF4E10364Ffa909E685D9 #LaunchZonehref="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ #LZP$LZP
This will be the most anticipated #NFTGame in the near future. @HeroFiio is a mobile #P2E aRPG game where you can build a powerful army to fight in fierce battles. #LaunchZone #IDO #LZ #LZP
#BCOIN moon sheet. How much #ROI do you predict #BCOIN will have? I humbly consider #ROI to be 100X. A great project. #LaunchZone #BombCryptoGame #LZ #LZP 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
🔔!! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT !! 👉From Sep 28, 2021, at 08:00 AM UTC 👉The n#BARMYRMY transaction tax from next week will be 60% 👉Migr#BARMYARMY#LZ $LZ for 0 % tax fee: migrate.lz.finance #LaunchZonehref="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ #LZP$LZP
💯Important announcement💯 🟠Sign up for #Moniwar's #whitelist and refer your friends as there are amazing rewards waiting for you. 🟠For the top 20 referrals: 👉1st: 10 pets 👉2nd: 6 pets 👉3rd: 4 pets 👉4th-10th: 2 pets 👉11th-20th: 1 pet #LaunchZone"/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZh#LZP $LZ $LZP
#MoniWar (1/4) #Metaverse = #GamePad+ #NFT #YieldFarming + #GameFi #PlayToEarn We bring income to users and profits to investors. #LaunchZone #LZ twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
🎉🎉Congratulations🎉🎉🎉 @launchzoneann has formed a strategic partnership with @OKExChain. 👉I believe that with this relationship, both will have strong strides in the coming time. #LaunchZone we t#LZt#LZPZ $LZP twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
什么游戏都需要文明和公平的玩家。💪💪💪 那些作弊的人将被 @HeroFiio 封禁,当然他们的福利也被停止。🤷🤷🤷 #LaunchZone #HeroFi #P2E
🔔We're excited to announce @heronsia's #IDO is officially launched on #LZPad. 👉Time: October 1st, 2021 👉Total allocation: 13 Milli#HERHER 👉IDO price = $0.015 👉Participating tok#LZ: $LZ (Deposit tax-free) #LaunchZone #LZhref="/hashtag/IDO/retweet/1">#IDO $LZ twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
🟠!! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT !!🟠 🔸From Oct 5, 2021, at 08:00 AM UTC 🔸The #BSCXBSCX transaction tax from next week will be 70% 🔸Mig#BSCX$BSC#LZo $LZ for 0 % tax fee: migrate.lz.finance #LaunchZoneref="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZe#LZP $LZP
#LZ go to the moon. #LZ had 2 attempts at a price of $2.5. And this is the 3rd time, I believe this time the $2.5 resistance level will be easily broken because of a lot of positive news recently. And there are many people who want to own #LZ as much as possible. #LaunchZone #LZ
There have been 1500 Genesis Heroes born out of a limited total of 5200 Genesis Heroes. How many heroes do you own in those 1500 heroes? It's great to be the owner of the first heroes. #LaunchZone #HeroFi #LZ #ROFI twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
Important announcement @Heronasia's token changed from #HER to #HE. Follow us for important project information. If your portfolio doesn't have #HE tokens that could be a pity. #LaunchZone #HE #LZ #LZP
Well, the whitelist ended in less than 1 second. It was really fast, I didn't buy it in time, maybe you too but there are many #IDOs ahead and it's time for us to get lucky. #BUIDL and #HODL. #LaunchZone #IDO #LZ
在10月份 #LaunchZone 会是许多很火项目的发射台。 #LZPad 上启动的IDO会有4个轮, 我们一起了解怎么在第1、2、3轮购买IDO: 1,#DiamondHand docs.lz.finance/ido-guide-how-… 2,#LZMembership docs.lz.finance/ido-guide-how-… 3,#Whitelist docs.lz.finance/ido-guide-how-… #LaunchZone #LZ #IDO
在10月份 #LaunchZone 会是许多很火项目的发射台。 #LZPad 上启动的IDO会有4个轮, 我们一起了解怎么在第1、2、3轮购买IDO: 1,#DiamondHand docs.lz.finance/ido-guide-how-… 2,#LZMembership docs.lz.finance/ido-guide-how-… 3,#Whitelist docs.lz.finance/ido-guide-how-… #LaunchZone #LZ #IDO
🔔Are you ready? 🔔Don't forget @BombCryptoGame's #IDO is happening today on #LZPad. 👉Token nam#BCOINOIN 🚀 IDO time: 1PM UTC 21/09/21 🚀 IDO price: $0.1/BCOIN 🚀 Total Allocation: $200,000 🚀 Platform listing: pad.lz.finance #LaunchZonef="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZo#LZPLZ $LZP
请记住这些信息并享受游戏! PvP 的运作: 👉每天6场战斗 👉排行榜的积分只能从PvP中累积,而不是冒险模式。 👉玩家之前的数据将被重置 👉安装和更新将在9月14号 01:11 提供。 📝:双击英雄图标。 如果显示“Party”,则英雄已被选中并准备好进行战斗。 如果不是,则未选择英雄! #LaunchZone #HeroFi twitter.com/xiaoyu_1411/st…
@BombCryptoGame 发的视频以知道 Bomb Crypto 的游戏会是什么样子。 该视频揭示了 Bomb Crypto 中的游戏玩法。😉😉😉 #LaunchZone #Bombcryptogame twitter.com/BombCryptoGame…
🔔Important announcement🔔 👉From Sep 14 2021, at 08:00 AM UTC 👉The #BSCXBSCX transaction tax from next week will be 40% 👉Mig#BSCX$BSC#LZo $LZ for lower tax fee: migrate.lz.finance #LaunchZoneref="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZe#LZP $LZP
Important announcement @Heronasia's #IDO on #LZPad will be rescheduled - to provide a great experience for investors. Specific time will be announced as soon as possible. Follow us so you don't miss important information. #LaunchZone #LZ #HE twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
Important announcement @Heronasia will officially host #IDO on #LZPad on October 30th. Token Name: #HERON. #whitelist registration time to 1:00 PM on October 29. Registration link:heron.lz.finance/?ref_by=v1Z9p1… #LaunchZone #IDO #LZ #LZP
What happens when: 👉The price has spiked. 👉The trading volume has spiked. 🚀$LZ go to the moon soon. 🎯$LZ = $20. 📌"Diamond Hand Round" is the best choice. #LaunchZoneref="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZe#LZP $LZP
Many large projects coming to #LaunchZone. #Platinum and LZ Premium Members get a lot of fantastic offers. It would be a shame if you did not participate. 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 We'd like#PORTALounce $PORTAL private deal for LZ Premium#LZm#LZP #LZ $LZ $LZP twitter.com/launchzoneann/…