Are you ready? #HE IDO on #LZPad. 👉And#HEE Premium Pool will be open at 1PM UTC on September 28, 2021. #LaunchZone #HeronEcoRetreat#LZZ 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
If you're interested in #Launchzone, don't miss the Real-time Live AMA, which will take place on October 3rd, 2021 at 02PM UTC. Our speaker is willing to answer all of updating about LaunchZone’s strategic movements, future IDOs, and moreover, also users’ profits #LaunchZone #LZ twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
#HeroFi 的重要信息 🎉🎉🎉 @HeroFiio 项目团队为 HeroFi 用户发布了即将举行的活动时间表的官方公告: 📌 Open Beta 将于 10 月 30 日推出,白名单的前1万推荐人会有机会体验。 📌 官方游戏发布将于 11 月 21 日发布。 👉赶快保存日期并做好准备!🚀🚀🚀 #LaunchZone #ROFIEGG $ROFI twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
🎉Congratulations #Moniwar - #NFTGame #P2P. ✨Video game on TikTok reached 1M views within 24H. ✨Link: vt.tiktok.com/ZSeduEdNW/ #LaunchZone#LZZ#LZPP twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
📌We have LZ Ventures. 👉Make your dreams into reality. 👉Launch for potential projects. 👉Support everything you need. 👉A place for potential new startups. #LZVentures #LaunchZoneref="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZe#LZP $LZP
.@launchzoneann - #LZPad is a launchpad for future projects. ♥️More and more we are busy with lots of projects coming to #LZPad - But, we're happy about it. 👉With highly anticipated XRC20 tokens like @pebble_go, @mimoprotocol, @HealthBlocks launching soon. #LaunchZone#LZZ#LZPP twitter.com/iotex_io/statu…
🔥 CONGRATULATIONS🔥 👉130M $HEROEGG tokens, which is 25% of the total supply, have just been burnt!!! #LaunchZone #HEROFI href="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ$#ROFIOFI 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
👉Congratulations to everyone in #LZPlatinum - Pool for#WAGG is ready for today. 👉#LZVentures already participated in the private sale of all relevant projects and now shares the opportunity with our users, using our own allocation. #LaunchZonea href="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZL#LZPZP twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
From 8AM UTC on September 23rd, you can breed your Genesis heroes. 🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔 Great, start the countdown for this long-waited event! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀#LZ?#ROFI#LaunchZone #HeroFi $LZ $ROFI twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
The price of $HEROEGG is quite cheap if you want to own the last Hero Genesis then this is your last chance. Tokens are being burned at breakneck speed. Increasingly scarce. The price will increase. #LaunchZone #HeroFi
#LZPlatinum 成员的投资机会来了! #HE 白金 pool 将于 2021年9月27号晚上9点(GMT+8)开放: 👉BUSD BEP20 👉总分配:$100k 👉 价格:$0.01014 👉TGE 10%,1 个月锁定后,每月解锁 7.5% 立即标记这个时间!!! #LaunchZonehref="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ #HE $HE twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
#Moniwar NFT Marketplace 是区块链领域顶级的跨链 NFT 市场之一,包括: 🛒 Moniwar 商店 🏖 Moniwar NFT pool 🔔 Moniwar 动作 🎰 Moniwar 赏金 关注 @launchzoneann@moniwar_game 以及时更新,特别是关于 #Moniwar IDO 的信息。 #LaunchZone #Moniwar twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
#LZ 俱乐部成员的投资机会来了! #HE Premium Pool 将于 2021年 9月 28号晚上9点(GMT+8)开放: 🔹BUSD BEP20 🔹总分配:$200K 🔹最低投资额:$200 BUSD 🔹最大投资额:$10,000 BUSD 🔹价格:$0.01014#LZ为 $LZ 持有者,LaunchZone 会给你带来很多好的投资机会。💴 #LaunchZoneef="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZne $LZ twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
#Whitelist has only been open for a few hours and already has nearly 1K registered members. Have you registered yet? Give yourself your chance to join #IDO on #LZPad - @BombCryptoGame #LaunchZone #NFTGame #IDO #LZ #LZP #BCOIN
通过两个项目的合作伙伴关系,@launchzoneann 和 @OKExChain 找到了共同的目标。 我相信项目的社区会更加繁荣和稳定。😍 #LaunchZone#LZZ #OKExChain twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
In just 24 hours, the locked #LZ has grown to almost 500000 #LZ = 5000 Diamond Hand tickets. Did you lock #LZ? You definitely get to join @HeroFiio's #IDO when you lock #LZ. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
♥️Congratulations @HeroFiio, 👉#HEROEGG is listed on @coingecko. 👉Almost 500 people have added #HEROEGG to their watchlist. 🚀See more: coingecko.com/en/coins/herofi #LaunchZone href="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ$#LZPLZP 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
#LaunchZoneVentures 不仅仅是一个普通的孵化器,#LaunchZone 也是 #LaunchZone 伴随的创业公司的朋友和知己。 “如果你没有成功,你将被迫成功,在去 #LaunchZone 之前三思而后行” - @LoganDeFi
#LaunchZoneVentures 不仅仅是一个普通的孵化器,#LaunchZone 也是 #LaunchZone 伴随的创业公司的朋友和知己。 “如果你没有成功,你将被迫成功,在去 #LaunchZone 之前三思而后行” - @LoganDeFi
#LaunchZoneVentures 不仅仅是一个普通的孵化器,#LaunchZone 也是 #LaunchZone 伴随的创业公司的朋友和知己。 “如果你没有成功,你将被迫成功,在去 #LaunchZone 之前三思而后行” - @LoganDeFi
New notification Official website of @HeroFiio : herofi.io Please visit the website for information regarding the upcoming IDO on #LZPad. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
Beta game @HeroFiio will officially launch at 2:00 PM on September 12 - 2:00 PM on October 12. So you will have 30 days to start testing before officially entering the official game. I can't wait any longer. #NFTGaming #LaunchZone #HeroFi #LZ #LZP
🎉Congratulations to the #Platinum member🎉 #HE$HE Platinum Pool will be open at 1PM UTC on September 27, 2021 💵BUSD BEP20 🟠Max allocation: $100k 🟠Price: $0.01014 🟠Vesting: 10% at TGE, 7.5% monthly unlock after 1-month cliff. #LaunchZonef="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZone $LZ twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
How many #LZ did you have? #IDO is coming to #LZPad, you will definitely have the right to join our #IDO if you have a ticket to attend "Diamond bracelet". 100$ LZ = 1 ticket #IDO is coming soon. #HODL #BUIDL #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP twitter.com/Boniface1905/s…
" If you can't Hold, You won't be Rich" - CZ. #LZ #DiamondHands #LaunchZone