A warm welcome to the delegation of parliamentarians from #Lithuania 🇱🇹, #Latvia 🇱🇻 & #Estonia 🇪🇪 on your visit to #Taiwan 🇹🇼. We are grateful for your support & excited to explore opportunities for broader cooperation based on our shared values.
The birds from #Latvia landed!Def ammunition & other important things ✅. And the most weighty gift is Stingers!Thank You, our close friends & partners! And of course thanks to @Pabriks! The whole world understands that the security of Europe depends on strengthening 🇺🇦 defence!
#Latvia's MP Rihards Kols told the Delegation from #Russia to go f#&k themselves in Russian, quoting Ukrainian defenders from #SnakeIsland: "Russian battleship, go f**k yourself!" at OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in Vienna. People left as soon as Russians started to talk. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
#Latvia: Authorities have destroyed the bridge connecting to #Russia and #Belarus at the Friendship Kurgan on the border where 3 countries meet.
Partners & friends of 🇺🇦 don’t stay away! A new important decision for the safety of the whole Europe - @StateDept approved for #Lithuania, #Latvia & #Estonia to send American-made weapons to repel attacks and defending Ukraine! Thanks to our friends for the support! 🇺🇦🤝🇺🇸🇱🇹🇪🇪🇱🇻
106 lawmakers from #CzechRepublic🇨🇿, #Hungary🇭🇺, #Poland🇵🇱, #Slovakia🇸🇰, #Estonia🇪🇪, #Latvia🇱🇻 & #Lithuania🇱🇹 are backing #Taiwan's🇹🇼 bid for meaningful @WHO participation. Our gratitude for their letter urging @DrTedros to give the country a voice at #WHA73. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp
#ADF2022 öncesinde ikili görüşmelerimize #Filistin ve #Nepal Dışişleri Bakanları ile #Letonya Savunma Bakanıyla başladık. Started bilaterals ahead of @AntalyaDF w/FMs Riad Malki of #Palestine, Narayan Khadka of #Nepal & Defence Minister @Pabriks of #Latvia.🇹🇷🇵🇸🇳🇵🇱🇻
#Letonya Ziyaretimiz Visit to #Latvia 🇹🇷🇱🇻
It's a great pleasure to welcome the delegation of freedom- & democracy-loving MPs from #EU🇪🇺 member states #Estonia🇪🇪, #Latvia🇱🇻 & #Lithuania🇱🇹 to #Taiwan🇹🇼. We wish our Baltic friends a rewarding 8-day visit, & look forward to their participation in the Open Parliament Forum.
Freedom, democracy & human rights were high on the menu at the banquet held by Minister Wu for the delegation of MPs from #Estonia🇪🇪, #Latvia🇱🇻 & #Lithuania🇱🇹. We're grateful for the support of our like-minded friends & thank them for courageously choosing to #StandWithTaiwan🇹🇼.
Görevlerine yeni başlayan #ElSalvador, #Letonya ve #Slovakya Büyükelçilerine başarılar diliyorum.   Wished success during their tenures to newly appointed Ambassadors @AVasquez_Gomez of #ElSalvador, Peteris Vaivars of #Latvia, @jan_psenica of #Slovakia.
Riga’daki son günümüze, #Letonya DB Rinkevics’le görüşerek başladık. Siyasi ve ekonomik işbirliğimizi geliştirme irademizi teyit ettik. Started our day in Riga meeting w/FM @edgarsrinkevics of #Latvia. Confirmed our will to develop our political & economic cooperation. 🇹🇷🇱🇻
Discussed our relations and cooperation opportunities in the defense industry w/@Pabriks, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of #Latvia. -Will develop our cooperation with Latvia,our 2nd #NATO Ally that shows interest in our UAV technology. 🇹🇷🇱🇻
#LoveFromTaiwan is improving the lot of those affected by #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine. Minister Wu continued this commitment by announcing donations of US$1M each for #Slovakia, #Czechia, #Lithuania, #Latvia & #Estonia. The people of #Taiwan🇹🇼 #StandWithUkraine🇺🇦 & the #EU🇪🇺!
#Canlı📡 #Letonya Dışişleri Bakanı Edgars Rinkevics ile Ortak Basın Toplantısı #Live📡 Joint Press Conference with Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics of #Latvia 📍Ankara twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
Hosted Foreign Minister @edgarsrinkevics of #Latvia. Discussed regional developments, in particular grain transport from Ukraine. Will further improve our economic & commercial ties. Will intensify our cooperation in the areas of fight against terrorism & defense industry.🇹🇷🇱🇻
とうとう明日、本番です😌 シーズン初戦からこのような大きな大会に出れることに喜びを感じながら滑れたらと思います👏 SP,FS共に良い報告が出来るようやるだけやってきます👍 #Latvia #Riga #JGP