Our four-legged friends help 🇺🇦 servicemen defend #Ukraine from #Russian occupants. Belgian shepherd nicknamed Kira serves in the Territorial Defense of #Kyiv. The dog came to our defenders and is currently on combat duty on the outskirts of the capital. #StopRussianAgression
#Ukraine: Musician played the Ukrainian anthem for the neighborhood as #Russia continued striking with Shahed drones throughout the first night of #NewYear. Footage from #Kyiv. Spirit of Ukraine is harder than Diamond. 💎 Unbreakable.
The Ukrainians have won the Battle of #Kharkiv City much like they did the Battle of #Kyiv Ukraine will win! It will not stop until all of their sovereign land is reclaimed. They have the free world behind them and the arsenal of democracy. twitter.com/TheStudyofWar/…
The sky over #Kyiv in the colors of our national flag 💙💛🇺🇦❤ #StandWithUkraine
410 bodies of civilians killed by #Russian occupants have already been removed from the territory of #Kyiv region, Prosecutor General of #Ukraine Iryna Venediktova says. At the moment, 140 bodies have been examined by prosecutors & other experts. #BuchaMassacre #StandWithUkraine
Another massive missile attack by #russian terrorists on #Ukrainian cities, including #Kyiv. Critical infrastructure facilities and residential buildings damaged. Major energy disruptions around Ukraine. Many cities are left without electricity. There are victims among civilians.
#Borodianka, near #Kyiv, #Ukraine. 263 dogs in a dog shelter died from hunger and dehydration. #Russian occupants did not care and denied access to them. #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussianAgression #StopPutin
#Ukraine: High-rise apartment building previously struck by Russian cruise missiles in #Kyiv was restored and features a stunning 10-story tall image of a Ukrainian Phoenix. ✊
🤡Fascist #Simonyan now suggests that #Russia should launch nuclear strikes at Washington D.C., London, and Berlin. No longer threatening #Kyiv because Putin would never destroy the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra Orthodox Monastery. (English subtitles)
#Ukraine: Another open heart surgery without electricity in #Kyiv. About 1/3 of the population including 80% of the capital city are without electricity due to Putin's targeted criminal attacks on energy infrastructure.
Why does it matter that a Ukrainian band won a singing competition? IMO it signals Europe and the free world stands with #Ukraine. The winner holds next year’s competition. #Kyiv #esc2022  #Eurovision  Ukraine will win this war, soon, and be stronger than ever before.
#Kyiv region, the famous #Dobropark landscape park was destroyed by #Russian shelling, including all the vehicles and the equipment. Russian soldiers stole gardening tools, TV and even the conditioner. Russian army is a mix of murderers, vandals,rapers&looters. #StandWithUkraine
ロシアのプロテニスプレイヤー アンドレイ・ルブレフ選手は昨日行われたドバイ選手権の試合後、カメラに「NO war please」と書き記した #Kyiv #Ukraine
Minister Wu signed a MOU with @Vitaliy_Klychko & Darnychany's @GregoryMalenko to assist #Kyiv in procuring power generation equipment as winter closes in. In the spirit of solidarity, #Taiwan🇹🇼 will donate US$1M to ensure the #Ukraine🇺🇦 capital is kept warm by #LoveFromTaiwan.
Minister Wu held a call with His Beatitude Epiphanius I, Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Metropolitan Epiphanius of #Kyiv & All Ukraine. He condemned #Russia's war, vowed to #StandWithUkraine🇺🇦 & pledged a US$1.2M #LoveFromTaiwan🇹🇼 church donation. God bless #Ukraine!
ウクライナ郊外の防犯カメラの映像 ロシア軍のロケット弾が不発のまま道路に突き刺さる 怖すぎる #Ukraine #Kyiv
Impressed by the veterans’ courage at the EU-funded rehabilitation center in #Kyiv. Ukraine is unbreakable.
For decades, residents of #Kyiv get together to play chess in one of the central parks. They continue to do so even despite #blackouts, caused by #RussianAggression. Nothing can stop our people. That is why #Ukraine will win & #russia will lose. #StandWithUkraine
Enormous crowds have taken to the streets of Vienna to show that the Austrian people stand on the side of Ukraine. #Ukraine #Russia #Zelenskyy #Kyiv
Remember most military experts saying #Kyiv will fall in mere days in February 2022? Post-mortem of why Russia failed? 1) Offensive wasn't properly prepared and rushed. 2) Not enough troops. 3) Ukraine got lucky in Hostomel. We gave Putin 1 year to prepare Spring 2023 blitzkrieg.
I will take so much from visiting #Kyiv The beauty and resilience of the people. A national identity of fighting for freedom. A complex feeling of seeing them at war, scars of their resistance everywhere, but also wanting to be without fear — to laugh, love, and live. @lapatina_
"they pulled off a feat almost unparalleled in modern warfare: they helped defeat one of the largest standing armies in the world and held the capital. The Battle of Kyiv proved that volunteers could shape the course of a war" #UrbanWarfare #Kyiv #Ukraine militarytimes.com/opinion/commen…
3) If Russia is able to take Lviv, then #Ukraine will be cut off from Western military supplies through #Poland, resulting in a catastrophic blow. 4) Gerasimov was the mastermind behind the original Feb 24 offensive, including the specific plan to take #Hostomel & #Kyiv quickly.
#Kyiv. Another high-rise residential building restored after #russian attack. 🇺🇦 will never give up. We will spare no efforts to stop 🇷🇺 aggression and not allow it to spread further. The more weapons we get, the more lives will be saved, the sooner justice will be served.