The 23 million people of #Taiwan should not be denied their rights to contribute to global affairs. I thank the Kingdom of #Eswatini, #Kiribati, the #MarshallIslands, & #Tuvalu. They #SpeakUpForTaiwan & help expand our international space.
Although I’m unable to visit #Kiribati during my #OceansOfDemocracy trip, I was glad to meet Taiwan’s Mobile Medical Team, who have been working to improve public health in Kiribati for more than 12 years. Their selflessness & dedication are yet more proof that #TaiwanCanHelp.
Congratulations to #Kiribati Ambassador Lambourne on her new post to #Taiwan. I look forward to deepening our bilateral cooperation & promoting sustainable #fisheries together in the years to come! 🇹🇼🇰🇮