As part of his ongoing project on behalf of the next generation of Kansai #JohnnysJuniors, @J_ohkura_88 (Tadayoshi Ohkura) of #Kanjani∞ will produce an all-new comedy stage show #THEBEGINNING ~Shogeki~ coming Jan 2022! Featuring members from #Aegroup, #LilKansai, and #AmBitious!
A very happy birthday (November 6) to Daichi Imae of the Kansai #JohnnysJuniors!
Kota Matsumoto and Kento Tomioka of the #JohnnysJuniors star in the play "Kushiki no Sprint," which opened Wednesday in Tokyo! This original story centers around a college track-and-field athlete (Matsumoto) and the relationships he cultivates on the path to stardom.