可愛いが過ぎる👀🙉🙉 #Japan #アークナイツ
Typhoon Hagibis Click here For the latest information www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/ne… 日本に滞在の外国の方々に こちらのサイトをお知らせをくださいと 今 テレビで発表されていました お知り合いの方やお困りの方がいたら ぜひサポートをお願いします #Typhoon #Hagibis #disasters #Japan
#Japonya Dışişleri Bakanı Hayashi Yoshimasa’yla ikili ilişkilerimizi ve başta Ukrayna olmak üzere bölgesel gelişmeleri ele aldık. Discussed our bilateral relations, Ukraine & other regional developments, w/FM Hayashi Yoshimasa of #Japan.🇹🇷🇯🇵
2-0 victoire! contre UAE!! チームみんなで勝ち取ったすごく大きな勝利でした!すぐタイとの試合があるので今日からまた気を引き締めて頑張ります! #TeamJapan #TeamOM #Japan #UAE
VNL 2023 Nagoya round 🇷🇸🇯🇵 2勝目✌️ #龍神nippon #Japan #Serbia
Sarray’s Japanese Lesson 🇯🇵👩‍🎓☀️ Lesson 2: Thank you very much-Arigatou gozaimasu ありがとうございます🙌 #SarrayJapaneseLesson #SARRAYwith #Japan #WWENXT
More greatly appreciated support for #Taiwan🇹🇼 from #RealFriend #Japan🇯🇵! Our sincere thanks to @moteging of @MofaJapan_jp for announcing a 3rd donation of vaccine doses. The 1 million shots will help save lives & keep the country's #COVID19 fightback firmly on the fast track.
Dreams and dedication are a powerful combination 💯💪🏼💥| Los sueños y la dedicación són una poderosa combinación 💯💪🏼💥 @mikakus #ATTITUDE by #AndresIniesta #BOOM #sneakers #zapatillas #Japan
これまでで一番好きなゲームの1つです。🙉🙉🙉 #mobilegame #アークナイツ #Arknights #明日方舟 #Yostar #Japan #명일방주
Yes, I’m back! 🇯🇵 #JFA #NationalTeam #Japan
安倍元首相 銃で撃たれ死亡 中国ネットコメント集(その四) @johnny_onpuchan ご協力ありがとうございました! #ShinzoAbe #Japan #安倍晋三 #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻訳運動
#Japonya ziyaretimiz Visit to #Japan 🇹🇷🇯🇵
こんなふうに ついーと してみたら どうだろう? ぽち ぽち ぽち…っと I’m a lost dog. I’m looking for my family. Have you seen my family? よし、完了♪ #lostdog #male #Miyazaki #Japan #迷子犬 #オス #宮崎県 #雑種 #飼い主さんどこにいますか #里親さんも探しています
Die enge Zusammenarbeit mit #Japan hat mit den 1. deutsch-japanischen Regierungskonsultationen eine neue Stufe erreicht. Lieber Fumio @kishida230, darüber freue ich mich ganz persönlich. Japan ist ein zentraler Wertepartner für Deutschland.
Exclusive! Explosive! Please do read & share! I've done the whole thing! Full transcript of the entire 56 min of top-secret recording of the #War Mobilization Meeting of #CCP's #PLA's Southern War Zone & #Guangdong Province. #Taiwan #Japan #US in danger jenniferzengblog.com/home/2022/5/16…
Without protests from Japan, they would not have acted, just a hypocritical tactic to maintain the image of a great China. #ShinzoAbe #Japan #安倍晋三 #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
Congratulations to Lin Yun-ju & Cheng I-ching on a spirited bronze🥉 in the mixed doubles table tennis. The medal is #Taiwan's🇹🇼 4th at #Tokyo2020& keeps the country's quest for #Olympics glory in #Japan🇯🇵 well & truly on the front foot. (📸 via @ChingteLai Twitter)
Sarray’s Japanese Lesson 🇯🇵👩‍🎓☀️ Lesson 8: SCARY - KOWAI こわい😨👻💧 #HappyHalloween2021 #SARRAYwith #chucky #SarrayJapaneseLesson #Japan #WWENXT
[VAV] Q. 이 접시들은 VAV 멤버 세 명의 저녁식사 흔적입니다. 왼쪽/가운데/오른쪽 접시들은 각각 누구의 흔적일까요? #VAV #브이에이브이 #VAVinJapan #VAV2019MeetnLive #Tokyo #Japan #일본 #초밥 #냠냠 #정답은_댓글에🤫
#Japan should take urgent action to pressure the #Tatmadaw to restore the democratically elected government and respect human rights, says @HRN_friends, @hrw, JVC, @JusticeMyanmar, and NANCiS. #WhatsHappeninginMyanmar #SaveMyanmar hrw.org/news/2021/02/2…
Game-ending double play clinches 10-inning comeback by #Japan, 4-3 over #ChineseTaipei to start 2nd Round. BOXSCORE: atmlb.com/VPkKum