Not quite so little as they once were, the boys of #LilKansai took to the stage as the 4th act of this year's #JOHNNYSExperience with a mature and skillful set of original songs and senpai hits! Learn more about them here!… #JohnnysNext #JohnnysUpClose
One of the newest groups from the Kansai #JohnnysJuniors, the fresh faces of #Boysbe took to the stage as the third act of the #JOHNNYSExperience music festival; singing, dancing, and joking their way through the music of Johnny's artists! #JohnnysNext #JohnnysUpClose
With their signature blend of band and dance, #7MENSamurai kicked off the 5th and final act of this year's #JOHNNYSExperience showcase! From sultry solos to synchro stylings and hard rock riffs, it was truly a live house like no other! #JohnnysNext #JohnnysUpClose
The newest Junior music festival #JOHNNYSExperience kicks off May 3rd! Check out the original goods for #7MENSamurai, #JrSP, #LilKansai, and more; now available at the links below! 🇯🇵For fans in Japan: 🌏For fans overseas:
The lights of The Globe Tokyo burned extra bright as the #JOHNNYSExperience music festival kicked off yesterday, introducing 27 fresh-faced #JohnnysJuniors who danced and sang through medleys of #JohnnysClassics both past and present! #JohnnysNext #JohnnysUpClose
#JrSP sparkled like never before as they took the stage as the second act of this year's #JOHNNYSExperience music festival...all the more so with this being their first-ever solo show! Learn More about them here!… #JohnnysNext #JohnnysUpClose
#7MENSamurai presents their #JOHNNYSExperience live acoustic performance of original song #SAMUDAMA ("Samurai Spirit") in an exclusive clip for @J_Jr_Ch featuring a special message from the boys! 🎵Stream it here! #YourJohnnysMusic
『JOHNNYS' Experience』5月からグローブ座で開催 7MEN侍、Lil かんさいら東西Jr.が単独公演… #Lilかんさい #7MEN侍 #ジャニーズ #JrSP #Boysbe #JOHNNYSExperience #グローブ座
7 MEN 侍、Jr.SP、Lil かんさい、Boys beらジャニーズJr.出演「JOHNNYS' Experience」開催決定 #JOHNNYSExperience ▼日程詳細はこちら
#7MEN侍 の東京グローブ座公演 ゲネプロの模様を超詳細にお届け✨⚔👸🏰 7MEN侍は6月28発売の『MORE』8月号にも特別インタビューで初登場🔥あわせてチェックしてくださいね⚔ ⚔ #セブンメンサムライ #7MEN侍 #ジャニエク #7MENSamurai #JOHNNYSExperience
明日発売 #週刊ザテレビジョン 目次を公開!#HeySayJUMP が表紙&全ペア対談!🍋 #ジャニーズJr 5グループのメッセージ交換(後編)や #JOHNNYSExperience リポは必見✨ #JO1 #大平祥生#NCT #SHOTARO も登場🎵 #KinKiKids #LESSERAFIM #SEVENTEEN #Aぇgroup など🎤 詳細は▶
#なにわ男子 #大橋和也 くん 連ドラ単独初主演🍃✨ #消しゴムをくれた女子を好きになった 見るしか✊🏻👀⁉️ #7MEN侍 @東京グローブ座 キラキラ🌟ライブレポ🎸🎶 6人6色のミリョクをお届けするよ⚔ 💖 #JOHNNYSExperience ぜひチェックしてみてくださいね🙌🏻☀️