September 1, 2015: Happy Birthday Kkuka #JungkookBirthdayCongrats #ItsSugaHyung #I dont have lots to say #Well then #Bye September 12, 2015: Rapmon with a brave facial expression #RapmonBirthdayCongrats #ItsSugaHyung #IveHeardThatYouAreNotSupposedToUseSpacesInHashtags #NowIKnow
September 1, 2015: Happy Birthday Kkuka #JungkookBirthdayCongrats #ItsSugaHyung #I dont have lots to say #Well then #Bye September 12, 2015: Rapmon with a brave facial expression #RapmonBirthdayCongrats #ItsSugaHyung #IveHeardThatYouAreNotSupposedToUseSpacesInHashtags #NowIKnow
Jwiminah happy birthday! Have a happy day #JiminBirthdayCongrats #ItsSugaHyung #HappyBirthdayJimin #Irreplaceable* * From Agust D ‘Tony Montana’ ft. Jimin twitter.com/BTS_twt/status…
🐱 15 year old Jungkook is now 25 year old Jungkook, happy birthday JK~ #HappybdayJungkook #ItsSugaHyung #YoureAnAdult #TimeIsReallyWhew twitter.com/BTS_twt/status…
@BTS_twt [ENG] 15 year old Jungkookie is now 25 year old Jungkookie, happy birthday jeykey~ #HappyBDJungkook #ItsSugaHyung #YoureAnAdult #ThisThingCalledTimeWhew
@BTS_twt [trans] Congratulations on our leader’s birthday! My friend who has been with me together for 10 years! Happy Birthday! #NamjoonBDayCongrats #ItsSugaHyung #Youveworkedhard #letsdoanother10years
@BTS_twt [ENG] i wish our leader a happy birthday! my friend who i’ve been with together for over 10 years! happy birthday! #NamjoonBirthdayCongrats #ItsSugaHyung #YoureWorkingHard #LetsGoFor10MoreYears
🐱 Celebrating our leader’s birthday! My friend that I’ve been together with for over 10 years! Happy birthday! #HappyBirthdayNamjoon #ItsSugaHyung #YouveWorkedHard #LetsDoTenMoreYears twitter.com/BTS_twt/status…
@BTS_twt trans) Our leader, happy birthday! My friend who has been together with me for more than 10years! Happy birthday! #NamjoonHBD #ItsSugaHyung #YouWorkSoHard #LetsBeTogetherFor10MoreYears @BTS_twt
@BTS_twt trans) The greedy boy Jimin-ah who got three mics at the same time, happy birthday ~~ #JiminBdayCongrats #ItsSugaHyung #YouAreNowLateTwenties @BTS_twt
@BTS_twt 『Trans ID』 selamat ulang tahun taehyung ah. Karena aku lagi karantina jadi aku akan kirim kan doaku saja ~#UcapanUlangTahunTaehyung #ItsSugaHyung #SemogaDapatHariYangBaik
@BTS_twt ENG] Happy birthday Taehyung-ah, since (I’m) in the middle of quarantine/isolation i’ll just send you my heart/feelings~ #TaehyungBirthdayCongrats #ItsSugaHyung #HaveAHappyDay
211230 @BTS_twt Suga’s Tweet Happy birthday Taehyung-ah, since I’m in quarantine now I’m sending just my heart~ #HappyBdayTaehyung #ItsSugaHyung #HopeItsAHappyDay Trans cr; Faith @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS twitter.com/BTS_twt/status…
220218 @BTS_twt Suga's Tweet Hey, Hobah, happy birthday..^^ #ItsSugaHyung^^ #HappyBdayHobi #ItsAlreadyFebruary18th Trans cr; Rinne @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS twitter.com/BTS_twt/status…
🐱 Our maknae Kkugie happy birthday Let it be a happy day #ItsSugaHyung #JUNGKOOKDAY #WeatherIsNice twitter.com/BTS_twt/status…
220901 @BTS_twt Suga's Tweet Happy birthday to our maknae Kookie, have a happy day #ItsSugaHyung #JUNGKOOKDAY #WhatNiceWeather Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS twitter.com/BTS_twt/status…
@BTS_twt [trans] Happy Birthday Namjoona you have been working hard. Let’s both have strength #ItsSugaHyung #HappyBirthdayNamjoon #NAMJOONDAY
[TRANS] Happy birthday Namjoona you’ve worked hard let’s have strength #ItsSugaHyung #HappyBirthdayNamjoon #NAMJOONDAY twitter.com/BTS_twt/status…
220912 @BTS_twt Suga's Tweet Happy Birthday Namjoon-ah, you don't have it easy, let's keep going strong #ItsSugaHyung #HappyBirthdayNamjoon #NAMJOONDAY Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS twitter.com/BTS_twt/status…
he was really chaotic in this jimin's birthday😭 #ItsSugaHyung