#DPRK 1950, #Cuba 1961, #Vietnam 1961, #Panama 1989, #Iraq 1991/ 2003, #Yugoslavia 1999, #Afghanistan 2001, #Syria 2011 ... Red Star Belgrade fans held banners recounting #US/#NATO invasions/overthrow of 20+ countries/govts. But All Quiet in Western Media.
As US-waged wars in #Iraq, #Syria, #Afghanistan & other places have caused 330,000 civilian deaths & turned over 26 million people into refugees, the US should sincerely beseech the intl community to forgive it, rather than lecture others on human rights in a condescending manner
When #US invaded a sovereign country like #Iraq or #Afghanistan and killed civilians including women and children, it's "collateral damage" rather than a "war crime".
Some #US officials claim that Russia may use biological weapons against #Ukraine. People would ask: wasn't the US that used Agent Orange in #Vietnam, bacteriological weapons on #Korean Peninsula, invaded #Iraq with fake evidence about the possession of #WMD, ...
We bombed #Yugoslavia and #Iraq years ago, but now we are laying flowers for #Ukraine.
#Bağdat İşbirliği ve Ortaklık Konferansı için kardeş #Irak'tayız. 🇹🇷🇮🇶 In brotherly #Iraq to attend the #Baghdad Cooperation and Partnership Conference. 🇹🇷🇮🇶
#Irak Ziyaretimiz. Visit to #Iraq. 🇹🇷🇮🇶
Instead of "WMD", here is what the US Army has found in #Iraq. Instead of "WMD", this is also what the US has always wanted to find in #Iraq.
Instead of "WMD", here is what the US Army has found in #Iraq. Instead of "WMD", this is also what the US has always wanted to find in #Iraq.
More than a tinge of racism. Is this why #USA/#NATO bombed #Iraq, #Syria & #Afghanistan... and caused massive loss of life there without a guilty conscience?
The #US and #NATO are in no position to judge any country, ostensibly on the moral high ground, unless they apologize and compensate for the damage and sufferings they imposed on the people in #Yugoslavia, #Iraq, #Syria and #Afghanistan ...
#Irak Dışişleri Bakanı Fuad Hüseyin’le görüştük. Irak’ın güvenlik ve istikrarına destek olmaya devam edeceğiz. 🇹🇷🇮🇶   Met FM @Fuad_Hussein1 of #Iraq. Our support for Iraq’s security and stability will continue. 🇹🇷🇮🇶
"A clash of good vs. evil"? Take a good look at what the #US did in #Iraq, #Afghanistan & #Syria, and the lies it makes up & spreads, people would realize the US is in no position to moralize from on high.
Discussed all aspects of our bilateral relations w/ Foreign Minister @SecBlinken of #US in a constructive meeting. -Exchanged comprehensive views on #Afghanistan, #Cyprus, #EasternMediterranean, #Syria, #Iraq,#Libya and fight against terrorism.🇹🇷🇺🇲
Addressed 1st Session of #NATO FM Meeting. -Will host high level meeting for peace process in #Afghanistan. -Will continue to support ensuring stability in #Libya. -PKK/YPG is also a threat to #Iraq and #Syria. Will continue our fight against all terrorist organizations.
#Canlı 📡 #Irak Dışişleri Bakanı Fuad Hüseyin ile Ortak Basın Toplantısı #Live 📡 Joint Press Conference with Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein of #Iraq 📍Ankara pscp.tv/w/1BRKjBaBwNLKw
"We saw what happened in the #UN Security Council, what kind of statements were made... [We were shown] pictures of cars with missiles with nuclear warheads installed on them, which supposedly drove around #Iraq ...
The #US stands with #HongKongers? Who on earth are they? Why not give these people Green Cards or citizenship right away? Look at #Afghanistan, #Iraq and #Syria. Whomever the US claims to "stand with" will end up in big troubles & instability.
After 19 years, #US human rights crimes still fresh in #Iraq. youtu.be/MYguz7XC0kw
Hosted my brother @Amirabdolahian, FM of #Iran. Assessed our relations from trade to tourism & energy, from fight against terrorism to consular matters. Discussed regional developments, including #Syria, #Iraq, #Palestine & #Afghanistan. 🇹🇷🇮🇷
“But let’s face it, the numbers (in #Ukraine) are minuscule compared to the number of people that died, were displaced, were injured as a consequence of the #US wars in #Iraq and #Afghanistan. democracynow.org/2022/3/11/andr…
Wherever the #US sets foot, be it #Iraq, #Syria or #Afghanistan, bloodshed, turmoil, famine, and refugees are always the legacies it leaves behind. 🔗news.cn/english/2021-0…
We see the empty pledge and so-called strength of this type of democracy from what the US military has done in #Iraq and #Syria and from its retreat from Kabul.
"Many in the #Muslim world, in particular, think #America practices double standards. Thousands of civilians died in #Iraq and #Afghanistan from #US munitions". ft.com/content/d7baed…
When #US assaulted #Iraq, invaded Iraq, it claimed of preemptive self-defense ... Obviously that was illegitimate and illegal, and there's been what I would like to call "precedents of permisibility".