Dancing & singing in public, removing hijab, cutting hair in public, what will #Iranianwomen do next? Ride motorcycles, another thing they are forbidden by the Islamic Republic. #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution #Iran #IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #opIran
#Iran, where women risk their lives to dance, sing or show their hair in public. For 43 years they have been forbidden these basic human joys. #IranProtests #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution #IranRevolution2022 #IranProtests2022 #WomensRights
At least 53 protesters have now been killed as the world shakes hands with the genocidal dictators of the islamic Republic. #Iran professors and students announced strikes this week, "Death to the dictator!" #IranProtests #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution
#Anonymous hacked two main #Iran state websites in retaliation for #Mahsa_Amini’s death and in support of the #IranProtests. #OpIran "Several other websites, including the webpage of Iranian state television, were also attacked" #مهسا_امینی #MahsaAmin aljazeera.com/news/2022/9/21…
Wir müssen hinsehen und handeln, wenn Menschenrechte verletzt werden: Wir sehen den mutigen Kampf der Iranerinnen und Iraner für mehr Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit und die brutale Gewalt gegen sie. Auch mit Sanktionen erhöhen wir den Druck auf das Regime. #Kanzlerkompakt #Iran
Es bestürzt mich, dass bei den Protesten im #Iran friedlich demonstrierende Menschen ums Leben kommen. Wir verurteilen die unverhältnismäßige Gewalt der Sicherheitskräfte und stehen den Menschen im Iran bei. Unsere EU-Sanktionen sind wichtig. Wir prüfen weitere Schritte.
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 293 in #Ukraine and I love the bravery from this woman in #Iran who is not allowed to ride a motorcycle, dress like that or not wear a hijab. You go girl!♥️ Also f*ck the regime for hanging protestors🖕 #MahsaAmini #IranRevolution
اگر همین‌امروز چند بسیجی یا آخوند خنثی نشوند، رژیم به همین راحتی حکم اعدام نفر بعد را اجرا می‌کند. آتش زدن مجسمه و آجرهای فلان‌ساختمان دردی دوا نمی‌کند. جمهوری‌اسلامی باید هزینه‌ی هر اعدام را نقد و فوری از بدنه‌ی هوادارش بپردازد. #OpIran #Iran
Overnight in #Iran, in addition to strikes on oil refineries, munitions manufacturers, and multiple military bases, extreme-precision strikes reportedly eliminated individual human targets. Iran has been supplying weapons and munitions to #Russia for use against #Ukraine.
Protests now in every province in #Iran. Islamic Republic admits to killing 35 but Amnesty says they shot 19 people dead - including 3 children - on Wednesday night alone. "We don't want the Islamic Republic!" #IranProtests #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution
ما برای مردم ایران اینجا هستیم برای آزادی #MahsaAmini #Iran #مهساامینی #OpIran‌‌
#Iran terrorist police forces shooting directly at protesters in the city of Rasht in northern Iran. Neighbors are heard telling them “don’t shoot at people.” #IranProtests2022 #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #ZhinaAmini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution
خبرهای بدی در راه است که مردم باید مراقب زندانیان باشند و تمام دنیا باید رژیم شیطانی را تحت فشار قرار دهند #OpIran #Iran #اوین
"Women, life, liberty!" #IranProtests2022 drives out the Islamic Republic of #Iran security forces. #IranProtests2022 #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #ZhinaAmini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution
Das iranische Regime setzt mit den Hinrichtungen von #MohammadHosseini und #MohammadMehdi_Karami auf die Todesstrafe als Mittel der Unterdrückung. Das ist entsetzlich. Wir fordern #Iran auf, keine Todesurteile zu vollstrecken und die zu Unrecht Inhaftierten sofort freizulassen.
Islamic Republic Terrorist in chief Ebrahim Raisi pledged to "deal decisively" with the protests. That's a threat of crimes against humanity from a known terrorist. When is the world going to "deal decisively" with Raisi? #IranProtest #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #Iran #مهسا_امینی
"This isn’t a protest anymore! It’s the start of a revolution!” - Mashhad University science department, Oct 4. #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution #Iran #IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #opIran #IranianLivesMatter #iranrevulotion2022
The Islamic Republic is attempting to spin the #IranProtests as "armed Iranian Kurdish dissidents". Don't amplify this narrative. The protesters are in every province of #Iran now. #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution
The Islamic Republic has messed with the wrong generation. Human rights are not negotiable. #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution #Iran #IranProtests #IranProtests2022 #opIran
As over 75 protesters are reported killed, and all #IranProtests2022 are demanding the end of the Islamic Republic, foreign politicians are still mumbling to #Iran diplomats about 'reform'. Listen to the people. Leave. #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution #Iran
As over 75 protesters are reported killed, and all #IranProtests2022 are demanding the end of the Islamic Republic, foreign politicians are still mumbling to #Iran diplomats about 'reform'. Listen to the people. Leave. #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی #IranRevolution #Iran