3月17日に #気候変動監視レポート2022 を公表しました。極端な大雨の年間発生回数は有意に増加しており、より強度の強い雨ほど頻度の増加率が大きくなっています。詳しくは、以下のリンク先をご覧ください。 #IPCC #TCFD #気候変動適応 #いのちとくらしを守る防災減災 data.jma.go.jp/cpdinfo/monito… twitter.com/JMA_kishou/sta…
Today, after yesterday's #IPCC report, everything is back to normal – as always. We continue to ignore the climate crisis as if nothing happened. Our societies are still in denial, and those in power go on with their never ending quests to maximise profits. We cannot afford this.
When reading the new #IPCC report, keep in mind that science is cautious and this has been watered down by nations in negotiations. Many seem more focused on giving false hope to those causing the problem rather than telling the blunt truth that would give us a chance to act.
"This report from the IPCC is a litany of broken climate promises. It is a file of shame, cataloguing the empty promises that put us firmly on track towards an unlivable world. We are on a fast track to climate disaster" - @antonioguterres on the #IPCC report released today.
If we delay emission cuts we “will miss a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all.” Every sentence describing the new #IPCC report is completely life changing. Literally everything is at stake. apnews.com/article/climat…
“The facts are undeniable. This abdication of leadership is criminal. The world's biggest polluters are guilty of arson on our only home." - @antonioguterres on the new #IPCC report being released today. “Delay means death”. #PeopleNotProfit twitter.com/IPCC_CH/status…
#気候変動 #IPCC の最新報告書(RT)を、江守副領域長が動画で解説!📺 youtu.be/dLgGSI0G2SA 「温暖化が人間の影響であることは疑う余地がない」など、14あるヘッドラインを一つずつわかりやすく、時にマニアックに(?)、執筆者の一人として独自目線で解説。報告書の全容が詳しくわかります!🐰ぐら twitter.com/nhk_news/statu…
Last #HongKong governor Chris Patten: latest #IPCC report on #HongKongProtests & #HongKongPolice divided the community, a blow to hopes to return to normality in #HK, in which people can express views openly without being run off the streets
For those who don’t know, Mr Stott was on the #IPCC expert panel before they quit collectively, citing a lack of investigative powers. He calls for a judge led independent inquiry into the policing of the #HongKongProtests & claims made by the #HongKongPolice twitter.com/cliffordstott/…
In report's concluding observations, #IPCC note #HongKong is "being dragged into #terrorism era". Asked how they arrived @ this, #HongKongPolice watchdog chair Anthony Neoh: that's not our conclusion, that's what the police chief (Chris Tang) said. WATCH: youtu.be/XtCqoV5hG_A?t=…
2019年12月,國際專家小組退出警察投訴調查 原文 - 早前退出監警會國際專家小組嘅Clifford Stott,連續出咗幾個tweet!! lih.kg/2018003 ●來源:你怕誰 #CliffordStott #speechless #IPCC #LIHKG
#HongKongProtests’ Citizens Press Conference: the #IPCC report on #HongkongPolice action in months of protests should be ignored becuz it’s biased & “dilutes police brutality” They’re having a moment of silence, 11 months since protester Leung Ling-kit fell to death in Admiralty
連專家都頂唔順? 原文: (突發!)華爾街日報報道,監警會聘請的國際專家組請辭 lih.kg/1778324 ●來源:當時明月在 #IPCC #警監會 #足夠 #曲 #LIHKG