Jacinda Ardern under pressure to stop extradition of New Zealand resident to China | Sky News #IPAC co-chair Simon O’Connor MP says he “doesn’t have confidence” in the Chinese Communist Party controlled judicial system. skynews.com.au/opinion/andrew…
#IPAC 🇮🇹 members led scrutiny of the CAI deal in the Italian Senate. Senator @LucioMalan questioned the access given to state censored Chinese media to the EU, with much EU media blocked in China. twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
BREAKING: #IPAC🇨🇭co-chair @FabianMolinaNR submits interpellation for a diplomatic boycott of the #Beijing2022 Winter Olympics. The motion calls on Swiss officials to decline invitations to attend the Games in light of severe human rights abuses. Link: parlament.ch/de/ratsbetrieb…
Amendment co-sponsored by #IPAC 🇬🇧 members @DavidAltonHL and Baroness Kennedy aims to prevent health procurement from regions linked to suspected genocide. If succesful, the amendment could see the UK government instructed to assess whether #Uyghurs are at risk of Genocide.
#IPAC 🇸🇪 members @JoarForssell and @KerstinLundgren: Swedish government must not play a part in the Chinese government's 'propaganda machine' by attending the #Beijing2022 Winter Olympics. #NoRightsNoShow ttela.se/nyheter/sverig…
Thread of coverage of #IPAC and @hk_watch press conference with Bob Chen, the protester beaten by PRC Consulate staff in Manchester. IPAC 🇬🇧 members @MPIainDS @Afzal4Gorton @DavidAltonHL accussed the UK government of a 'totally inadequate' response. theguardian.com/politics/2022/…
Last December, #IPAC MEPs @EnginEroglu_FW @bueti and @MiriamMLex co-authored a European Parliament resolution highlighting links between widespread Uyghur forced labour. @EnginEroglu_FW described the situation in Xinjiang as a "systematic nightmare". twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
"Tonight is about shining a light of hope to all those out there who have failed to get their day in court." #IPAC 🇬🇧 co-chair @MPIainDS urges Parliament to back IPAC #GenocideAmendment to UK Trade Bill, which if passed would see genocide cases brought to UK courts.
Switzerland will consider joining the EU's WTO case against the Chinese government should initial dispute consultations fail. The answer came in response to #IPAC🇨🇭co-chair @FabianMolinaNR regarding the PRC government's punitive trade sanctions issued against Lithuania.
Parliamentarians call for sanctions on Chinese and Hong Kong officials on 33rd anniversary of #4June | CNA Coverage of #IPAC Hong Kong Legal Accountablity Campaign launch. cna.com.tw/news/acn/20220…
Czech Foreign Minister and former #IPAC 🇨🇿 co-chair @JanLipavsky confirms that no members of the Czech government will be attending the #Beijing2022 Winter Olympics. #NoRightsNoShow ct24.ceskatelevize.cz/domaci/3433312…
#IPAC statement on the 23rd anniversary of the persecution of the Falun Gong. Today we remember all those in China who have been denied freedom of religious belief, including Gao Zhisheng, Chang Weiping, Pastor Wang Yi and all others imprisoned for defending religious freedoms.
‘About time’: EU sues PRC government over economic coercion of Lithuania | Brisbane Times #IPAC 🇬🇧 co-chair @MPIainDS: WTO must act to ensure the Chinese government is held to account for "refusal to play by the rules". brisbanetimes.com.au/world/europe/a…
UK House of Lords passes Lord Blencathra's #UyghurSlaveryAmendment to remove forced labour from NHS supply chains. The Bill will now return to the Commons, where #IPAC members have shown cross-party support for the amendment. #UnmaskSlavery
#IPAC member @imranahmadkhan MP: What actions are the UK Government taking to hold the Chinese government to account for its breaching of the Sino-British Joint Declaration?
Chinese government bullying of Lithuania shows democratic world needs to to unite in defence of rules-based order. #IPAC 🇦🇺 MP @kevinandrewsmp writes for the Spectator Australia. spectator.com.au/2022/01/lithua…
🇨🇳State media @globaltimesnews attacks #IPAC again; misrepresents the purpose of #IPACRome globaltimes.cn/page/202110/12…
“Many have just been detained for ordinary outward signs of their Islamic faith” #IPAC adviser @adrianzenz disturbing new research 👇 twitter.com/TheJohnSudwort…
Japan’s New Economic Statecraft | The Washington Quarterly #IPAC adviser @AkiraIgata writes on @Japan_pac efforts to establish a Magnitsky act to sanction perpetrators of gross human rights abuses globally. tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…
Japan Nonpartisan Association for Reconsidering Human Rights Diplomacy @JinkenGaikou holds second general meeting, led by #IPAC 🇯🇵 co-chairs Rep. Gen Nakatani and Rep. @ShioriYamao. Watch below 👇 twitter.com/JinkenGaikou/s…
'There is still much work to be done to support Hong Kongers arriving in the UK' #IPAC member @LaylaMoran writes for the Independent, calling for @HSBC and other banks to ensure Hong Kongers fleeing the city can access their pension funds. @hk_watch independent.co.uk/voices/hong-ko…
Following credible reports that Putin delayed his invasion of 🇺🇦 at the request of Xi Jinping, now seems a good time to re-up the standing invitation for legislators to join #IPAC. #Standtogether ipac.global/contact/member/
#IPAC 🇸🇪 co-chair @IsaLann1 calls on democratic states to "take off the silk gloves" and take a tougher stance against the Chinese Communist Party, speaking to the Jönköpings-Posten. jp.se/2021-11-05/vyk…
"the Chinese government is ramping up military actions against Taiwan and providing implicit support to Russia’s senseless aggression against Ukraine” #IPAC 🇧🇪 co-chair @SamuelCogolati previews the #IPAC22DC Summit with @politico @nicolle_liu. politico.com/newsletters/po…
UN accused of colluding with Chinese government to delay Xinjiang human rights report until after Beijing Winter Olympics | SCMP #IPAC has joined calls for @UNHumanRights Chief @mbachelet to release a report on Uyghur human rights ahead of #Beijing2022. scmp.com/news/china/art…