#LIVE #IPAC 🇬🇧 parliamentarians debate reports of forced labour in Tibet, as revealed by IPAC advisor @adrianzenz. Watch now: parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index/1d…
Featuring comment from #IPAC 🇩🇪 co-chair @MargareteBause. bild.de/politik/2020/p…
UK considering ban on NHS procurement of goods made in Xinjiang | The Guardian #IPAC 🇬🇧 member @Nus_Ghani: "We have a duty to protect the NHS from involvement in the heinous things done to Uyghur people." theguardian.com/world/2022/mar…
"What we are seeing today, as China hosts the games for a second time in 14 years, is the utter betrayal and abandonment of the Olympic Charter." #IPAC 🇨🇦 co-chair @IrwinCotler writes on the Chinese government's human rights record. #Beijing2022 theglobeandmail.com/opinion/articl…
"Beijing is trying to scare European politicians into silence." Interview with #IPAC 🇩🇰 Co-Chair @uffeelbaek MP on Chinese government attempts to intimidate parliamentarians and activists abroad. information.dk/udland/2021/05…
Beijing's trade sanctions on Lithuania are "an attack on the whole EU bloc." #IPAC 🇱🇹 co-chair @DSakaliene MP on the Chinese government's reaction to the opening of the Vilnius Taiwan Representative Office. bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w1…
#IPAC 🇬🇧 co-chair @MPIainDS secures UK Parliament Urgent Question debate on the arrest of Cardinal Zen and other members of the 612 Humanitarian Support Fund. Calls for the government to drop reported plans to restart the UK-China Joint Economic and Trade Commission (JETCO).
"In 2008 the Chinese government politicised the Olympics, we should learn from that." #IPAC 🇨🇿 @PavelFischer cites Russia's human rights abuses at the Sochi 2014 Olympics and calls for Czechia to back the #Beijing2022 diplomatic boycott. #NoRightsNoShow plus.rozhlas.cz/senator-fische…
Today #IPAC members had the honour of meeting with 🇹🇼 President @iingwen. President Tsai thanked IPAC for its work to strengthen political and economic relations between democratic countries and Taiwan, and recognised the significance of the delegation's visit to Taiwan.
Switzerland joins #IPAC call on over 10 European governments to stage a diplomatic boycott of the #Beijing2022 Winter Olympics. #IPAC🇨🇭 legislators @FabianMolinaNR Lisa Mazzone @WalderNicolas @MartinaMunz @FranziskaRyser write to @ignaziocassis and @vbs_ddps. #NoRightsNoShow
Switzerland joins #IPAC call on over 10 European governments to stage a diplomatic boycott of the #Beijing2022 Winter Olympics. #IPAC🇨🇭 legislators @FabianMolinaNR Lisa Mazzone @WalderNicolas @MartinaMunz @FranziskaRyser write to @ignaziocassis and @vbs_ddps. #NoRightsNoShow
Meanwhile Lithuanian Co-Chair @DSakaliene reads #IPAC statement on #HongKong to the Lithuanian Parliament also representing fellow Co-Chair @Adomenas. #StandTogether
Sweden's failure to carry out a diplomatic boycott of #Beijing2022 is a "betrayal" to Uyghurs and for pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong. #IPAC 🇸🇪 members @DavidLega @IsaLann1 and @hampushagman write for Jyllands-Posten. jp.se/2022-01-13/reg…
China’s nominee wins Interpol seat despite concerns of human rights groups | South China Morning Post #IPAC: “Hu’s election gives the PRC government a green light to continue using Interpol as a vehicle for its repressive policies globally" scmp.com/news/china/dip…
Royals and senior ministers set to snub Beijing Winter Olympics as Britain’s stance towards PRC hardens | The Sun Growing momentum behind #IPAC calls for diplomatic boycott of #Beijing2022 Olympics. #NoRightsNoShow thesun.co.uk/news/16791605/…
#BREAKING: UK Government commits to review of NHS supply chains in relation to forced labour and modern day slavery. The move comes in response to an all-party amendment led by Lord Blencathra and #IPAC members @DavidAltonHL @HelenaKennedyQC.
Chinese official gets Interpol post despite opposition from Australian MPs | ABC Australia #IPAC 🇦🇺 member @Senator_CFW: Hu's elections risks the PRC using Interpol as a vehicle for its repressive policies and could harm its international standing. abc.net.au/news/2021-11-2…
Multinational lawmakers urge world not to forget Chinese government threats against Taiwan as Olympics begin | CNA Coverage of #IPAC #Beijing2022 #NoRightsNoShow campaign. cna.com.tw/news/aipl/2022…
Dependence on PRC imports makes Belgium vulnerable | De Tijd #IPAC 🇧🇪 co-chair @ElsVanHoofcdenv calls for Belgium to reduce its trade dependency on P.R. China, following IPAC report highlighting vulnerabilities in supply chains of organic chemicals. tijd.be/politiek-econo…
The #IPAC statement has received widespread coverage in international media: smh.com.au/world/europe/c…
#IPAC 🇸🇪 members @hampushagman and @david_josefsson submit interpellations for the Swedish Riksdag to debate a diplomatic boycott of the #Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. The text references human rights abuses in the Uyghur Region and the kidnapping of Swedish citizen Gui Minhai.
Congratulations to #IPAC 🇬🇧 Co-Chair Baroness (Helena) Kennedy for being included in the BBC 100 Women 2021 list of inspiring and influential women 👏👏 bbc.co.uk/news/world-595… twitter.com/IBAHRI/status/…
#IPAC Member @Wera_Hobhouse MP: "Western democracies need to be showing a united front against the Chinese Communist Party's attempt to silence historical truth." Calls for the UK to support a UN Special Rapporteur to monitor human rights in Hong Kong.
#IPAC 🇬🇧 member @ShabanaMahmood MP: "The world keeps saying 'never again' in relation to genocide and yet they reoccur with shocking, depressing familiarity. China is the most striking example of the failures of the international system."
#IPAC 🇨🇿 co-chairs Sen. @PavelFischer and Jan Lipavský MP address Czech Minister for Foreign Affairs @TPetricek.