#IPAC co-chair @MiriamMLex: "Engaging positively with the Chinese people means standing with Uyghurs, Hong Kongers, Tibetans and all those oppressed by the Chinese Communist Party." Lexmann calls for EU bans on all imports made by forced labour in China.
#IPAC co-chair Reinhard Bütikofer MEP @bueti calls for sanctions on officials responsible for crimes against humanity in Xinjiang. Bütikofer urges the Commission to ensure China ratifies ILO anti-forced labour conditions before concluding the EU-China CAI investment deal.
Urgent Question raised in the UK House of Lords on state sponsored forced labour in Xinjiang. #IPAC 🇬🇧 co-chair Baroness Helena Kennedy urges the UK to use 'Magnitsky' sanctions against Chinese officials responsible for abuses against Uyghurs. "Inaction becomes complicity."
#BREAKING: European Parliament adopts Uyghur Urgency Resolution co-authored by #IPAC members @bueti @MiriamMLex @EnginEroglu_FW. The Resolution calls for: 1⃣Sanctions on Chinese officials responsible for abuses against Uyghurs 2⃣Ban on imports tainted by Xinjiang forced labour twitter.com/bueti/status/1…
#IPAC 🇩🇪 co-chair @MargareteBause MdB addresses German Chancellor Angela Merkel, highlighting that the EU-China investment deal may be concluded while forced labour in Xinjiang continues. Bause called for any agreement to be conditional on China ratifying ILO labour standards.
👏👏Congratulations to #IPAC 🇦🇺 co-chair Andrew Hastie MP, announced today as Australia's Assistant Minister for Defence. Hastie has led calls in Australia and globally on the need to resist the Chinese Communist Party's threat to democratic values. smh.com.au/politics/feder…
#IPAC co-chair @bueti criticises 🇪🇺🇨🇳 CAI investment deal: "A few market access concessions weigh more than both the need to stand tall against the appalling forced labour practises in China, and the opportunity of aligning with the incoming Biden team” politico.eu/article/eu-nea…
#IPAC 🇮🇹 member and Vice-President of Italy's Foreign Affairs Committee @PaoloFormentin1 addresses the Italian Parliament questioning attempts to rush through the EU-China #CAI investment deal. twitter.com/LauraHarth/sta…
#IPAC coordinator @lukedepulford speaks to PRI @TheWorld on IPAC efforts to pursue legal judgements on suspected genocide against Uyghurs through the International Criminal Court and the UK parliament. pri.org/stories/2020-1…
#IPAC 🇺🇸 co-chair Sen. @marcorubio spearheads bi-partisan efforts to require the US Secretary of State to make a determination on whether the Chinese government's persecution of #Uyghurs and other groups in Xinjiang constitutes genocide. Full text: docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/…
#IPAC submitted evidence to the UK Foreign Affairs Committee inquiry into Xinjiang detention camps. Recommendations made include legal determinations on suspected Uyghur genocide and a ban on goods linked to Xinjiang forced labour. Full submission here: committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidenc…
#BREAKING Matt Pottinger, Deputy @WHNSC Advisor tells European #IPAC Co-chairs: “Leaders in both U.S. political parties and across the U.S. government are perplexed and stunned that the EU is moving towards a new investment treaty right on the eve of a new U.S. administration.”
#IPAC 🇳🇱 co-chair @Martijncda MP raises concerns to the Dutch Foreign Minister on #Huawei Uyghur face recognition technology, calls for the Netherlands and Europe to blacklist #Hikvision and other companies complicit in Xinjiang abuses: cda.nl/vanhelvert/nie…
Europe has handed China a strategic victory | Financial Times Featuring comment from #IPAC 🇪🇺 co-chair Reinhard Bütikofer MEP @bueti on EU-China #CAI investment deal: “We’ve allowed China to drive a huge wedge between the US and Europe.” ft.com/content/2d7596…
Coverage of concerns raised by #IPAC 🇩🇪 co-chair @MargareteBause MdB on the EU-China #CAI investment deal, including China's failure to ratify ILO standards on forced labour and breaches of treaty obligations to Hong Kong. ft.com/content/0de447…
En réponse au courrier que les co-présidents 🇫🇷 #IPAC lui avaient adressé, @JY_LeDrian rappelle que les intimidations à l'encontre de l'Australie soulignent la nécessité d'assurer «un meilleur encadrement des pratiques commerciales déloyales» de la 🇨🇳 @iflorennes92 @AndreGattolin
Replying to #IPAC co-chairs 🇫🇷 @AndreGattolin and @iflorennes92, French Foreign Minister @JY_LeDrian stressed the need for a "better regulation of unfair commercial practices", adding that Chinese threats to Australia have no place in the rules-based international order.
#BREAKING: #IPAC statement on the arrest of over 50 Hong Kong activists. We call on democratic countries to take immediate action at the United Nations and to consider what joint, punitive economic action can be taken to ensure the Chinese government reconsiders its actions.
BREAKING: #IPAC 🇪🇺 MEPs slam EU-China #CAI investment deal after arrest of over 50 Hong Kong activists. [THREAD] Former Belgian Prime Minister and IPAC member @guyverhofstadt MEP says the EP will "never ratify" #CAI until human rights situation improves. twitter.com/guyverhofstadt…
#JPAC calls for the Chinese government to change its behavior. We agree with #IPAC's statement on the arrest of Hong Kong pro-democrat politicians, activists and lawyers. As members of the parliament, we will strive to pass the Japanese Magnitsky Act during the next Diet session.
Featuring #IPAC statement on Hong Kong arrests: "We call on democratic countries to take immediate action at the United Nations and to consider what joint, punitive economic action can be taken to ensure the Chinese government reconsiders its actions." smh.com.au/world/europe/c…
#IPAC 🇬🇧 member @DavidAltonHL labels the mass arrests of over 50 Hong Kong activists as "the methods of a police state". Alton calls on the UK government to honour its treaty obligations to Hong Kong and implement Magnitsky sanctions against Chinese officials.
#IPAC 🇬🇧 co-chair Baroness Helena Kennedy raises the case of Hong Kong activist @tedhuichifung, whose family's bank accounts have been frozen by @HSBC: "Beijing is co-opting banks and international companies which have strong links in Britain into supporting the security law."
#IPAC statement on arrests of over 50 Hong Kong politicians, activists and lawyers supported by Japan Parliamentary Alliance on China 🇯🇵 #JPAC twitter.com/Japan_pac/stat…
"Ignoring those concerns, Germany and France rammed through the deal, seemingly with little regard for the EU’s self-proclaimed commitment to freedom and human rights." #IPAC advisor @benedictrogers writes for CapX on EU-China #CAI investment deal. capx.co/the-eu-should-…