China's hard line against Australia is a lesson for us all | Japan Times.
Featuring comment from #IPAC advisor @AkiraIgata:
"China has a clear track record of engaging in economic coercion by exploiting economic dependence."
BREAKING: #IPAC statement on the sentencing of Joshua Wong, Agnes Chow and Ivan Lam.
We stand in admiration of the courage and determination shown by the three individuals sentenced and offer solidarity to all Hong Kong people during this dark time.
"This isn’t just an attack on Australia. It’s an attack on free countries everywhere."
Comment from #IPAC 🇦🇺 co-chair Sen. @kimbakit in @FinancialTimes report on IPAC calls for #SolidarityWithAustralia by buying Australian wine.
🇨🇳 state media Global Times criticises #IPAC #SolidarityWithAustralia campaign, saying:
"They should also realize that Australia is economically dependent on China."
Is the Chinese government now backing our calls for countries to reduce strategic dependency on China?🤔
#IPAC 🇳🇿 co-chairs Louisa Wall MP and Simon O'Connor MP lead cross party criticism of Chinese government's "coercive diplomacy".
The MPs call for New Zealand to call out Beijing's “abusive bullying behaviour” against Australia and Hong Kong crackdown.
Taiwan Ambassador to the Vatican backs #IPAC campaign to drink Australian wine in #SolidarityWithAustralia.
#IPAC 🇯🇵 co-chairs Rep. @ShioriYamao and Rep. Gen Nakatani lead cross-party criticism of sentencing of Joshua Wong, Agnes Chow and Ivan Lam.
The Parliamentarians call on the Japanese government to take a tougher stance on China's abuses in Hong Kong. twitter.com/Japan_pac/stat…
"We are asking you all to join us in standing against Xi Jinping's authoritarian bullying"
#IPAC 🇪🇺 co-chair @MiriamMLex MEP on IPAC campaign to buy Australian wine in #SolidarityWithAustralia.
We applaud the work of #IPAC 🇩🇰 co-chairs @uffeelbaek and @Ammitzboell_K in securing the safe passage of Hong Kong activist @tedhuichifung to Denmark.
Hui faced potential life imprisonment. His exile is a reminder of the desperation facing HK citizens.
Today #IPAC 🇪🇺 co-chair @bueti MEP addressed the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET), calling for greater cooperation between democratic countries in response to the China challenge.
Summary of key points below 👇👇 twitter.com/bueti/status/1…
Italian newspaper @repubblica reports on #IPAC campaign by parliamentarians from 19 countries inviting "millions of people around the world to a Christmas toast against China's economic bullying of Australia" with Australian #FreedomWine.
#IPAC 🇳🇱 co-chair @Martijncda MP intervenes on the planned construction of UN data centres in China.
Van Helvert questioned the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs on what guarantees had been sought on the security and integrity of sensitive data stored.
"While handcuffs can restrain the body, they cannot control the heart or mind."
#IPAC advisor @benedictrogers writes for Apple Daily.
How a blow to Australian wine shows tensions with China | BBC News
Featuring comment from #IPAC 🇦🇺 co-chair Sen. @kimbakit on our #SolidarityWithAustralia campaign.
"Crackdowns on Hong Kong, Xinjiang, and Tibet have revealed the true nature of the Chinese Communist Party."
#IPAC advisor @jooeysiiu writes for the Diplomat.
#IPAC coordinator @lukedepulford on proposed amendments to UK legislation seeking to invalidate trade deals with genocidal states.
If passed, Uyghurs could bring a genocide case against the Chinese state at the High Court of England and Wales. twitter.com/LBC/status/133…
#IPAC 🇪🇺 members have consistently called for the EU to adopt a Magnitsky style human rights sanctions framework.
Now the EU must ensure that Chinese officials responsible for human rights abuses in Xinjiang, Hong Kong and elsewhere are top of the list.
#IPAC member @AlynSmith MP raises Urgent Question on the sentencing of Joshua Wong, Agnes Chow and Ivan Lam.
Smith calls for sanctions on Hong Kong officials and assurances that activists sentenced under the National Security Law will not be barred from seeking asylum in the UK.
#IPAC member and Liberal Democrat Foreign Affairs spokesperson @LaylaMoran MP asks the UK government to provide routes for young Hong Kong citizens without BN(O) passports to reside in the UK.
#IPAC 🇬🇧 member Lord @DavidAltonHL proposes amendment to the Trade Bill which would revoke trade deals with states perpetrating genocide.
"For 70 years we have failed to recognise our wholly inadequate response [to genocide]. Tonight we have a chance to put that right."
#BREAKING UK House of Lords votes to accept amendment proposed by #IPAC members @DavidAltonHL and Baroness Kennedy.
The amendment revokes trade deals with states perpetrating genocide, as judged by the UK High Court.
The amendment will now proceed to be debated in the Commons.
#IPAC statement on Chinese government criticism of IPAC 🇩🇰 members @Ammitzboell_K MP and @uffeelbaek MP.
We are proud that our members chose to do everything within their power to ensure @tedhuichifung's safety and liberty and commit to continuing to do so for all Hong Kongers.
#IPAC 🇳🇿 co-chair Louisa Wall MP speaks to @SkyNewsAust on our #SolidarityWithAustralia campaign.
"What binds us together is that we all believe in democracy, we work together to meet the challenges facing not only Australia, but all our countries."
#IPAC 🇪🇺 member @EnginEroglu_FW MEP submits an Urgency Resolution to the European Parliament on the deteriorating human rights situation in Xinjiang and widespread forced labour.
If accepted, the topic will be debated at the European Parliament's plenary next week. twitter.com/EnginEroglu_FW…