#INDIA: Russian politician and billionaire Pavel #Antov "fell" from a 3rd floor hotel balcony and died. His friend died few days prior at the same hotel. Consulate of #Russia in India already announced the death as a suicide. Antov was critical of Putin's invasion of #Ukraine.
🌸인도 최대 공연 The Cherry Blossom Festival에 PIXY가 초대되었습니다!🌸 축제는 11월 25일부터 27일까지이며, 픽시의 공연은 폴로경기장에서 열릴 예정입니다. 많은 관심과 기대 부탁드립니다💜 #PIXY #픽시 #INDIA #인도 #TheCherryBlossomFestival
🌸The Cherry Blossom Festival 🌸 The festival is set to take place on the festival grounds this month from 25-27th November. PIXY's act is presumed to take place at Polo grounds. #PIXY #픽시 #INDIA #인도 #TheCherryBlossomFestival
#INDIA We really appreciate you having Rohingyas in Jammu. Please continue to help humanity by not deporting back especially in times #HumanRight Crisis in #Myanmar! #MilkTeaAlliance @nslwin @drzarni @waiwainu @shafiur @mdjamal315 @PMOIndia @INCIndia livelaw.in/top-stories/su…