Данас обележавамо 70 година од усвајања Универзалне декларације о људским правима. Поштовање људских права основ је за напредак и развој свих друштава. #HumanRightsDay #StandUp4HumanRights
本日は #人権デー アイドルは楽しく癒しであれば十分、なんて発想はBTSが塗り替えた Love Yourself Face Yourself Speak Yourself 差別や偏見の蔓延する社会に立ち向かえるよう、彼らは着々とARMYの心を育ててきた もう一歩前に 日本にいる私達が今出来る事を真剣に考えたいと思う #HumanRightsDay
Dr. Sasa’s statement on the 35th anniversary of #Myanmar #HumanRightsDay Today, March 13, 2023 marks the 35th anniversary of Myanmar Human Rights Day when the first university students Ko Pho Maw and Ko Soe Naing were brutally shot to death by the genocidal military generals..
Military threats & diplomatic assaults by the #PRC on #HumanRightsDay put #Taiwan smack on the front line against authoritarian expansionism. But the PRC won't bend our will as a democracy. We'll continue to live free, stand tall & shine like a beacon. JW twitter.com/MoNDefense/sta…
Democracy and respect for universal human rights cannot be compromised. Today on #HumanRightsDay we remember all those whose rights are trempled on by #russian regime, who were cruelly massacred, gone missing, tortured, raped, illegally deported & put behing bars. 1/2
Reminder COVID the Gravedigger Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani 24—November—2022 AD mahdialumma.org/showthread.php… #LetWhoHatesMeDighisGrave #بیزار_از_من_قبرش_را_بکند #恨我者自掘坟墓 #MahsaAmini #HumanRightsDay #SkirmishWar #COVID19 Christmas Morocco World Cup America Trump Biden 3️⃣ twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Together we can end discrimination based on: ➡️Sex or gender ➡️Age ➡️Disability ➡️Sexual orientation ➡️Race and ethnicity ➡️Place of birth ➡️Religion More on #HumanRightsDay: unwo.men/67B850H6KIm #16days