Today is #HumanRightsDay. All my support in creating a more equal society.
自分が生まれた日でもありますが、本日はこのような素晴らしい日でもあります。産んでくれた母に感謝。国連に携わっていた父にも感謝。人は環境でいかに培われるかということ。誰と関わり、何を感じるかということも大切だと教わった気がします。#国連 #人権デー #HumanRightsDay twitter.com/unic_tokyo/sta…
As we celebrate #HumanRightsDay we remind ourselves that #Taiwan has achieved so much but we can still learn a lot from others. I’m glad to present the Asia Democracy & Human Rights Award to the Gusdurian Network Indonesia for promoting dialogue across religious & ethnic groups.
本日は #人権デー アイドルは楽しく癒しであれば十分、なんて発想はBTSが塗り替えた Love Yourself Face Yourself Speak Yourself 差別や偏見の蔓延する社会に立ち向かえるよう、彼らは着々とARMYの心を育ててきた もう一歩前に 日本にいる私達が今出来る事を真剣に考えたいと思う #HumanRightsDay
Данас обележавамо 70 година од усвајања Универзалне декларације о људским правима. Поштовање људских права основ је за напредак и развој свих друштава. #HumanRightsDay #StandUp4HumanRights
Dziś mija 76 lat od wystosowania noty Raczyńskiego - pierwszego wystąpienia rządu państwa w sprawie wszystkich prześladowanych Żydów, nie tylko obywateli swojego kraju - która została niemalże całkiem zignorowana przez Zachód. "Kto nie potępia, ten przyzwala". #HumanRightsDay
If you care about human rights, you should watch this video: #HumanRightsDay
“Everyone has the right to seek & enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.”–Universal Declaration of Human Rights #HumanRightsDay But Trump is trying to deny asylum based on income.Let him know that won’t fly! Last day to comment:protectingimmigrantfamilies.org #ProtectFamilies
On #HumanRightsDay, we thank those who sacrificed themselves for the freedoms we enjoy today & renew our own commitment to achieving a fairer, more just world for all. This day holds profound meaning for #Taiwan as we reflect on the path we have walked over the past 40 years.
Wishing all my human colleagues and friends around the world a happy #HumanRightsDay @FCOHumanRights have been telling me how they protect and promote human rights all over the globe!
The path of human rights is an endless one, & in Taiwan, change is still happening every day. This #HumanRightsDay, I reaffirm #Taiwan’s commitment to #StandUp4HumanRights & further expand our international cooperation to protect these most fundamental ideals.
HEALTH most definitely is a HUMAN RIGHT! On Dec. 10 #HumanRightsDay, we urge @DrTedros to #StandUpForHumanRights & give #Taiwan🇹🇼 a voice in the @WHO. Politics mustn't derail efforts to #RecoverBetter from #COVID19, jeopardize #HealthForAll & stall progress on #GlobalGoals #SDG3. twitter.com/WHO/status/133…
人権とは、肌の色や出身にかかわらず、すべての人に認められるものです。ドイツはあらゆる人種主義や差別に断固反対します。 #HumanRightsDay #世界人権デー
Women's rights = Human rights #16Days of Activism may be coming to an end, but our fight for #HumanRights continues until we end violence against women! Join us and #StandUp4HumanRights on #HumanRightsDay, and every day. Over to you, @UNHumanRights...
For #HumanRightsDay, louder for the people in the back. #OrangeTheWorld #16Days
We joined “Silent Strike” On #HumanRightsDay December 10. Against the military dictatorship to take back the lost Human Rights. #SilentStrike #OurCityOurRules #MilkTeaAllience #Dec10Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Girls have the right to: Safety Peace A quality education Freedom from discrimination Sexual and reproductive health education #HumanRightsDay #16Days
On #HumanRightsDay today, we in #Taiwan renew our determination to uphold the rights & dignity of all people.
Military threats & diplomatic assaults by the #PRC on #HumanRightsDay put #Taiwan smack on the front line against authoritarian expansionism. But the PRC won't bend our will as a democracy. We'll continue to live free, stand tall & shine like a beacon. JW twitter.com/MoNDefense/sta…
On #HumanRightsDay, discover the noteworthy women, grassroots movements and historic milestones that have changed the world for women and girls. #16Days
Together we can end discrimination based on: ➡️Sex or gender ➡️Age ➡️Disability ➡️Sexual orientation ➡️Race and ethnicity ➡️Place of birth ➡️Religion More on #HumanRightsDay: unwo.men/67B850H6KIm #16days
10 December, #HumanRightsDay, marks the last day of the #16Days of Activism against Gender-based violence. It’s 2021 and human rights violations continue to be committed each and every day. Let’s #StandUp4HumanRights and continue to take action every day. #OrangeTheWorld
On #HumanRightsDay we remind the world that #CCP🇨🇳 continues to detain human rights activists in China and HK. Zhang Zhan is a journalist who was tortured and jailed for her reporting on China's mishandling of the pandemic. She was last seen in critical condition. #FreeZhangZhan