Just got home from my short semi-break and writing week, where I have come closer to finishing my new book on #China #CCP #HumanRights. Still more to do, but the end is in sight :) Delighted to find @limlouisa's new book waiting for me when I got home. Looking forward to it!
@SOUNDVOLTEX573 VF非表示機能をお願い致します。 私はクリムゾンというだけで、ゲームセンターでは石を投げられたり家に火を放たれたりしています。 現代社会において、このような数値で人を評価する差別指標は絶対にあってはなりません。 ご検討の程、宜しくお願い致します。 #HumanRights
@Reuters @washingtonpost In Japan, life-prolonging measures that may ignore the will of the person are still rampant. Human rights of the elderly are being violated. Red captions represent tracheostomy and gastrostomy, respectively. #HumanRights
Last week, in his final meeting before leaving Washington, DC, and two days before we were threatened under #HongKong's #NationalSecurityLaw, our co-founder and CEO @benedictrogers met with United States Congressman Chris Smith, a true champion for #HK and #HumanRights in #China
-and keeping the public informed. We have noted Andy's interest in international advocacy on #Hongkong #HumanRights conditions, which we hope to leverage to call for international attention on all 12 detainees. #AndyIsMissing #save12hkyouths
We are proud to be one of 243 groups calling for action on #HumanRights in #China #HongKong as #Beijing2022 #BeijingOlympics #GenocideGames begin Beijing Olympics Begin Amid Atrocity Crimes hrw.org/news/2022/01/2…
#FarzadTahazadeh et #FarhadTahazadeh, deux frères kurdes condamnés à mort pour avoir protesté contre le régime iranien risquent d'être exécutés de manière imminente ! Soyons leur voix et empêchons leur exécution ! @francediplo Intervenez ! #StopExecutionInIran #Iran #HumanRights