Brain washed #CCP little pinks punch #HongKongers in a sports event in Australia
#HongKong's new #CCP zombie, quisling, puppet goons and thugs Who elected them? Err, that's right, not #HongKongers. They were "selected" by Beijing, to obey #XiJinping's commands A grim sight.…
Do not go gentle into that good night Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night. #HongKongers✊🏼
Today, in #ParliamentSquare, our co-founder and Chief Executive @benedictrogers spoke at a rally of thousands of #HongKongers and friends of #HongKong, to commemorate #612. Here is his speech, in 5 parts. 1/5
THREAD: 1/5 Here is my speech in #ParliamentSquare today, for #HongKong's #612 anniversary I unite my heart with the hearts of #HongKongers in the #FightForFreedom
#HongKongers: As we approach #612, I have written this message for you, in my own handwriting, from my own ❤️, from the depths of my spirit, and just for you. #HongKong was once my own home. I unite with you today, and always. #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong
THREAD: This weekend, I will be joining #HongKongers in marking #612 and in renewing our resolve to #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong I'm speaking at 4 events I hope that in these four events we might unite The first is tomorrow, 1pm, this important exhibition for #HongKong
A deeply moving article about #HongKongers building new lives in UK. I often think that while I can no longer go to #HongKong, Hong Kong has come to me. ‘Wherever I Am Is Hong Kong’: Migrants Build a New Life in the U.K.…
#HongKongers - & all peoples suffering under #China #CCP regime: As we begin the 33rd anniversary commemoration & mourning of #TiananmenSquareMassacre #June4th, here is my personal message, handwritten by myself in traditional Chinese characters, over 4 pages, for you, from my❤️
#HongKongers: here are some thoughts about #XiJinping and #JohnLee 🤣❤️
Today, 22 May, Global Week of Prayer for #China begins Here's my special message for #HongKong & #HongKongers Be assured, #Uyghurs, #Tibet, Chinese Christians, dissidents & everyone under #CCP repression are in my prayers too #globalprayerforchina
The President of the Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences & Cardinal of #Myanmar, @cardinal_bo, calls for prayer for #HongKong and speaks out for #CardinalZen and #HongKongers "Those of us outside Hong Kong who have a voice must use it on their behalf" Read in full here
#BREAKING #SAVETHEDATE: #HongKongers & friends of #HongKong: @hk_watch will mark 25th anniversary of handover of #HongKong with an event with Last Governor #LordPatten & the launch of his Hong Kong Diaries on Friday 1 July Details to follow - but put the date in your diaries
#HongKongers - I have written this message, following the "selection" ("sham election") of #CCP quisling thug #JohnLee as #HongKong's new Chief Executive. Hope it makes you smile in these dark times. #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong
#HongKongers: Today @hk_watch will launch our new report on #PressFreedom in #HongKong - In the Firing Line. Here's a brief message for you from me about it. #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong
THREAD: I want to share a few reflections & principles about why - & how - I try to support #HongKong's #FightForFreedom, have done so for the past 8 years 1. The most important point is that I have never, ever claimed to represent #HongKongers. All I try to do is support /
It is vital that we do everything possible to help #HongKongers protect the Cantonese language, as #CCP tries to erode #HongKong identity within #HK and as more #HKers move into exile The quest to save Cantonese in a world dominated by Mandarin…
Dear #HongKongers, everywhere: Here's my #Easter message for you, with 💕 and🙏 #HappyEaster
#HongKongers: on Tuesday 12 April, we will be hosting an event in Sutton to help #HKers in UK understand how to engage in our forthcoming local government elections. Come and join me and @hk_watch team, as well as @nathanlawkc and representatives of major political parties 👇
#HongKongers: After writing my views about #CarrieLam #XiJinping #CCP #HongKong in @Telegraph today -… - I thought I would summarise my thoughts in traditional Chinese for you. Here's my message 🙏
Bye bye #CarrieLam. Will you one day apologise for the damage you have done to #HongKong? #CCP #XiJinping has already handpicked #HK's new quisling Chief Executive and #HongKongers are denied any say in who governs them…
Such an amazing privilege to be with #HongKongers last night singing #GloryToHongKong at @RoOT_film UK premiere. So incredibly moving. Credit to Andrew Khoo for capturing the moment on video.
On #StPatricksDay To #HongKong and #HongKongers from #London with 💕
A week ago, two letters landed in my in-box. One from #HKPF; one from #HongKong's National Security Bureau. Both threatened me, as co-founder of @hk_watch, of violating #NationalSecurityLaw Today, I have written this, in response to them & in solidarity with all #HongKongers 💕
"Everyone of my successors as Chief Executive of Hong Kong had a British passport ... and the ones who are being locked up don't" Lord Patten makes the case for extending #BNO rights to young #HongKongers