Dehya Talents Leonine Bite Unleashing her burning anger and casting her inconvenient blade aside, Dehya enters the Blazing Lioness state and increases her resistance to interruption. #GenshinImpact #HoYoverse #Dehya
"Stay close, no going off on your own. The desert doesn't take prisoners." Hello, Travelers~ The character we are introducing today is a member of the Eremites, Dehya! See Full Details >>> genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/news/detail… #GenshinImpact #HoYoverse #Dehya
"Jangan jauh-jauh, dan jangan bepergian sendiri. Padang pasir tidak kenal kompromi." Halo Traveler! Karakter yang hari ini diperkenalkan untuk kalian adalah Dehya, seorang anggota Eremite! genshin.hoyoverse.com/id/news/detail… #GenshinImpact #HoYoverse #Dehya
Voice Artist Announcement "We mercs have one simple rule: Whoever pays the most is your new boss." Travelers, let's listen to the voice of "Flame-Mane" Dehya! Voice Artist EN VA: Amber May JP VA: FUKUHARA Ayaka >>> genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/character/s… #GenshinImpact #HoYoverse #Dehya
Version 3.5 "Genius Invokation TCG" New Card Details See Full Details >>>genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/news/detail… #GenshinImpact #HoYoverse
Perjalanan di Pasir Merah — Event Web Karakter baru Genshin Impact, Dehya, resmi dimulai. Ikuti Event hoyo.link/f1CLCBAd 〓Waktu Event〓 24 Februari 2023 12:00 - 2 Maret 2023 23:59 (UTC+8) 〓 Syarat Partisipasi 〓 Rank Adventure Lv. 10 ke atas #GenshinImpact #HoYoverse
Scarlet Sand Sojourn — The web event for Genshin Impact's new character: Dehya is now available. The desert is home to the sands. Click to Take Part in Event>>hoyo.link/f1CLCBAd #GenshinImpact #HoYoverse #Dehya
◆ Kaveh ◆ Empyrean Reflection ◆ Renowned Sumeru Architect ◆ Dendro ◆ Paradisaea #GenshinImpact #HoYoverse #Kaveh
Kaveh ‧ Empyrean Reflection Renowned Sumeru Architect A renowned architect from Sumeru, known as the Light of Kshahrewar. He is one of the most high-profile figures in the industry. #GenshinImpact #HoYoverse #Kaveh
◆ Kaveh ◆ Empyrean Reflection ◆ Arsitek Ternama Sumeru ◆ Dendro ◆ Paradisaea #GenshinImpact #Kaveh #HoYoverse
Kaveh ‧ Empyrean Reflection Arsitek Ternama Sumeru Seorang arsitek ternama dari Sumeru dan dianggap sebagai bintang Kshahrewar. Dia adalah salah satu tokoh yang paling dikenal di bidangnya. #GenshinImpact #Kaveh #HoYoverse
Baizhu ‧ Beyond Mortality Pemilik Bubu Pharmacy "Di Liyue, ada seorang dokter bernama Baizhu yang tinggal di Bubu Pharmacy. Dia bisa menyembuhkan penyakit apa pun, tapi obatnya sangat pahit." #GenshinImpact #Baizhu #HoYoverse
◆ Baizhu ◆ Beyond Mortality ◆ Owner of Bubu Pharmacy ◆ Dendro ◆ Lagenaria #GenshinImpact #HoYoverse #Baizhu
Baizhu ‧ Beyond Mortality Owner of Bubu Pharmacy "There's a pharmacy in Liyue called Bubu, and in it is Dr. Baizhu. His skills make all illnesses better, but his medicines are really bitter!" #GenshinImpact #HoYoverse #Baizhu
◆ Baizhu ◆ Beyond Mortality ◆ Pemilik Bubu Pharmacy ◆ Dendro ◆ Lagenaria #GenshinImpact #Baizhu #HoYoverse
Genshin Impact Version 3.5 "Windblume's Breath" Twitch Livestream Event Registration Period: February 24, 19:00:00 – March 3, 15:00:00 (UTC+8) Click to register and view the rules >> hoyo.link/12RLCDAd #GenshinImpact #HoYoverse #NewVersion #TwitchLivestream
<원신> 3.5 버전 「윈드블룸의 숨결」 Twitch 스트리밍 이벤트 여행자들 안녕! 업데이트를 맞이하여 Twitch 스트리밍 이벤트가 시작되었어 신청 페이지 오픈 기간: 2월 24일 20:00 ~ 3월 3일 16:00(한국시간) 자세한 내용: hoyo.link/12RLCDAd #원신 #HoYoverse #신규버전 #Twitch스트리밍
Version 3.5 "Windblume's Breath" New Weapon Overview Hello Travelers~! Today, Paimon wants to introduce you to the brand-new weapons that will be appearing in Version 3.5! Come on, let's take a look~ #GenshinImpact #HoYoverse
Penjelasan Senjata Baru v3.5 "Napas sang Windblume" Halo Traveler~ Hari ini kami ingin memperkenalkan Senjata baru di v3.5 kepada Traveler semua! Yuk kita lihat sama-sama~ (Contoh di bawah adalah Senjata Lv. 90 dengan Rank Refinement 1) #GenshinImpact #HoYoverse
Pemberitahuan Maintenance Update v3.5 "Napas sang Windblume" 〓 Waktu Update 〓 2023/03/01 06:00 (UTC+8) dan diperkirakan berlangsung selama 5 jam. hoyo.link/e26LCBAd #GenshinImpact #HoYoverse
"Windblume's Breath" Version 3.5 Update Maintenance Preview Update maintenance begins 2023/03/01 06:00 (UTC+8) and is estimated to take 5 hours. View the full notice here >>> hoyo.link/e26LCBAd #GenshinImpact #HoYoverse
Pre-Installation Function Now Available Dear Travelers, The pre-installation function is now available on both PC and mobile platforms. View the full notice here >>> hoyo.link/924LCBAd #GenshinImpact #HoYoverse
"Hangout Events: Series VIII" - Story Quest Overview 〓Quest Start Time〓 Permanently available after the Version 3.5 update View the full notice here >>>hoyo.link/287LCBAd #GenshinImpact #HoYoverse
New Story Unlocked - Archon Quest Chapter III: Act VI "Caribert" 〓Quest Start Time〓 After the Version 3.5 update, Archon Quest Chapter III: Act VI "Caribert" will be permanently available. View the full notice here >>> hoyo.link/b2bLCBAd #GenshinImpact #HoYoverse
"Mantichora Chapter" Story Quest Overview 〓Quest Start Time〓 Permanently available after the Version 3.5 update View the full notice here >>> hoyo.link/c29LCBAd #GenshinImpact #HoYoverse