Dear Traveler, Event Permohonan "Kilauan Bara Api Surya", "Hakim Senja", dan "Epitome Invocation" segera dimulai pada tanggal 1 Maret!
Lihat Informasi Lebih Lanjut
> > > hoyo.link/5foLCBAd
#GenshinImpact #HoYoverse #Dehya #Cyno
Genshin Impact EP - A Handful of Golden Dreams
>> youtu.be/HVXAKOsr2to
#GenshinImpact #HoYoverse #Cyno
"Windblume's Breath" Version 3.5 Events Preview - Phase I
Hello, Travelers~ Version 3.5 is coming! Let's take a look at what kind of events will be in this new Version update~
#GenshinImpact #HoYoverse
Happy Birthday, Bennett!
"It's been a long time since I've had an adventure like this, Traveler!"
"Although I usually don't have the best luck, I feel very lucky to be spending my birthday with you!"
#GenshinImpact #HoYoverse #Bennett
"Sudah lama kita tidak bertualang bersama ya, Traveler!"
"Walaupun aku selalu sial, aku sangat beruntung bisa menghabiskan hari ulang tahunku bersamamu!"
#GenshinImpact #Bennett #HoYoverse
Selamat Ulang Tahun, Bennett!
Ayahku bilang kalau bertualang di alam liar beberapa hari sebelum ulang tahunku. Katanya mungkin aku bisa menemukan harta karun yang luar biasa.
#GenshinImpact #Bennett #HoYoverse
Character Demo - "Dehya: Fiery Lioness" | Genshin Impact
A lioness's mane and tail glare radiantly in the scorching light.
Pure gold and crimson sand shine alike in the sun's searing gaze.
#GenshinImpact #HoYoverse #Dehya
Event Berbagi Gameplay Dehya
Bagikan Postingan ini dengan Tagar #GenshinImpactID dan #Dehya
Durasi Event
Februari 28 2023 - Maret 3 2023
Hadiah Event:
Primogem ×160 (50 pemenang)
*Pemenang akan dipilih secara acak
Pengumuman Pemenang
8 Maret 2023
#GenshinImpact #HoYoverse
"Windblume's Breath" Version 3.5 Update Details
Dear Travelers,
Below are the details of the Version 3.5 update "Windblume's Breath" and the update compensation.
See more details here>> hoyo.link/a9BNCBAd
#GenshinImpact #HoYoverse
The Version 3.5 Short Video Event on TikTok kicks off on March 1!
Participate in the #WindblumeFestival topic submission, post your works to earn points, and get a chance to win Primogems!
Please access this link on mobile>> activity.us.tiktok.com/magic/eco/runt…
#GenshinImpact #HoYoverse
HoYoLAB x Google Play x YouTube Premium Event: Dehya and Cyno Are Here - Take Part in the Topic Events to Win Primogems
Event Link >> hoyo.link/ablLCBAd
#GenshinImpact #HoYoverse
"Windblume's Breath" Event: Take Part and Obtain the Event-Exclusive Weapon, Mailed Flower (Claymore)
〓Event Gameplay Duration〓
2023/03/03 10:00:00 – 2023/03/20 03:59:59
>> hoyo.link/a8FNCBAd
#GenshinImpact #HoYoverse
"Windblume's Breath" Version 3.5 Strategy Guides Contest
Submission Period: March 1, 2023 – April 9, 2023 23:59 (UTC+8)
Click to Take Part in Event>> hoyo.link/7fGNCBAd
#GenshinImpact #HoYoverse
Collected Miscellany - "Dehya: Passion of the Burning Sands" | Genshin Impact
>> youtu.be/URDSFmZOX4Q
#GenshinImpact #HoYoverse #Dehya
The Character Event Wish-2 "Twilight Arbiter" is now available after the Version 3.5 update! During this period, "Judicator of Secrets" Cyno (Electro) will receive a huge drop-rate boost, so don't miss out~
#GenshinImpact #HoYoverse #Cyno twitter.com/Paimon2theMoon…
"Dehya's such a pro at this. That commission was a piece of cake for her!"
#GenshinImpact #HoYoverse #Dehya twitter.com/Paimon2theMoon…
"Windblume's Breath" Gameplay Details
Hello, Travelers~ The Windblume Festival is about to begin! Let's take a look at what kind of gameplay is offered in the event "Windblume's Breath"!
See Full Details >>> genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/news/detail…
#GenshinImpact #HoYoverse
"Ballads of Breeze" Gameplay Tips
See Full Details >>> genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/news/detail…
#GenshinImpact #HoYoverse
"Ah, ada banyak, banyak burung finch kecil ...."
"Aku mau ... pelihara, burung finch kecil, boleh?
#GenshinImpact #Qiqi #HoYoverse
Happy Birthday, Qiqi!
"Ooh. That's... a lot of little finches..."
"Can I... get a pet finch?"
#HoYoverse #GenshinImpact #Qiqi
Selamat Ulang Tahun, Qiqi!
Terima kasih 裕 untuk karyanya yang luar biasa!
Mau lihat lebih banyak animasi tentang Qiqi? Ayo kunjungi akun TikTok Genshin Impact untuk menontonnya!
> > > tiktok.com/@genshinimpact…
#GenshinImpact #Qiqi #HoYoverse
The "Ballads of Breeze" Interaction Platform is available for a limited time! Discuss and share beautiful music with other Travelers on this platform!
>> hoyo.link/b8bOCBAd
#HoYoverse #GenshinImpact