2. According to telegram bot developed by #Hkprotesters that crowdsources information about unknown cars owned by #hkpolice or unknown Chinese holders, the cars’ numbers are all classified as “dangerous cars”.
[#HKgov told right lawyers: #Hkpolice's shooting in #Hkprotesters’ chest is “reasonable”] 1. On Oct 1 last year, an 18yo student was shot in his chest by live bullet fired at point-blank range, 3cm from his heart with bullet fragments scattering around his ribs, lung and chest.
2/ Solely in #Hongkong, throughout #hkprotests last year, #hkpolice has been using Cellebrite's hacking technology to crack at least 4000 #Hkprotesters’ phones without consent, with our private conversation used by authoritarian regimes for political purges.