#HeroSpotlight - Wild Arrow (3/3) But to everyone's surprise, Wild Arrow utterly destroyed the seemingly immortal bird and gained her epithet as "The Unparalleled Archer". She is without a doubt on even footing with any other legendary fighter. #LaunchZone #HeroFi #LZ #RoFI
#HeroSpotlight - Wild Arrow (2/3) As an annual ritual, Wild Arrow was chosen to be the female captured by the divine Boss of the Skies, and whichever man could find its hideout and steal her back would be elected as the new leader. #LaunchZone #HeroFi #LZ #RoFI
#HeroSpotlight - Wild Arrow (1/3) Leader of a tribe that has inhabited the farthest lands thousands of years ago. All the people of the tribe are innate archery geniuses, since short-ranged weapons do not work on giant birds - their natural enemies. #LaunchZone #HeroFi #LZ #RoFI
#HeroSpotlight - Poing (3/3) With those demonic horns for a headpiece and giant fists that are harder than steel, anyone who dares to step up and fight her would become the very next thing her supersonic fists break after the sound barrier. #HeroFi #HEROEGG #ROFI #Poing
#HeroSpotlight - Poing (2/3) Each of those jabs carries enough force to cancel a life subscription, but Poing will not hesitate to throw a few more within that 1-second time frame just because she can. #HeroFi #HEROEGG #ROFI #Poing #LaunchZone #LZ
#HeroSpotlight - Poing (1/3) Poing is an impulsive lady who loves to resort to violence as a solution. Once the woman faces a formidable foe, powerful jabs will be launched directly at this unfortunate fellow. #HeroFi #HEROEGG #ROFI #Poing #LaunchZone #LZ
(1/2)更新有关 英雄 游戏 HEROFI 的信息 #HeroSpotlight - Poing - 波英是个冲动暴躁的女人,对用武力压制一切问题有着无尽的热情。 这丫头一遇到强敌,立马就会“射”出一拳,直接针对这个倒霉的弟弟。
#HeroSpotlight #Poing 是一个冲动的女士,喜欢诉诸暴力作为解决方案。 头戴的魔角,还有比钢铁还硬的巨拳,谁敢站出来与她一战,在他们注意到之前,他们的灵魂已经离开了身体。 Poing 没有怜悯!🤔 她庆祝胜利的方式真有趣! 😂 #LaunchZone #HeroFi #P2E twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
#HeroSpotlight - Monkey King(3/3) Monkey King's laugh has been feared by the heavens, and this mischievous creature is sure to give any mighty opponent a run for their money. #HeroFi $HEROEGG #ROFI #MonkeyKing
#HeroSpotlight - Monkey King(2/3) The Gods should watch out because no matter how high their thrones are in the clouds, the wielder of the immortal Flying Nimbus will not have any trouble paying them a nice visit. #HeroFi $HEROEGG #ROFI #MonkeyKing
#HeroSpotlight - Monkey King(1/3) Monkey King was born a King, a calamity that no powers could rule over. Along with his deadly Power Pole, Monkey King has wreaked havoc on a heavenly battlefield, where he faced the highest entities in this world as a mere being. #HeroFi
(1/2)#HeroSpotlight - 齐天大圣 - 孙悟空天生就是王者,是任何力量都无法控制的大灾难。 孙悟空在万能的许愿魔杖的帮助下,震撼了整个仙界,他自己也只是一个凡人,与至高无上的众生交战。
(1/2) #HeroSpotlight - 法师杀手 - 身形轻盈,身手矫健,武器种类繁多,显然是一名A级战士,他不是天生的怪物,而是一个跨越怪物门槛的男人。 战斗经验对他来说是他的强项。 法师杀手总是在脖子和嘴上围着围巾,以防止针对喉咙的远距离攻击,并避免不小心吸入毒气。
(1/2) #HeroSpotlight - 幻影杀手 - 乍一看那纤细的身躯和那两只纤细的手,谁也没想到魅影杀手竟然拥有如此惊人的力量。 挥一挥镰刀,足以求一命,但这还不是全部。 那只左手蕴含着淬炼到极致的魔法,可以制造出三把锋利的刀刃,让对方承受剧痛,内伤无法治愈。
(1/2) #HeroSpotlight - 幻影杀手 - 看那小个子的身材和小手,谁也猜不到幻影杀手的威力如此之大。 从那可怕的镰刀挥动一下就可以夺回生命,但这并不是她所提供的一切。 已经磨练到完美的魔法技能在于那只小小的左手,使它能够制造出 3 把锋利的刀片,让受害者遭受痛苦的痛苦和不可逆转的内部伤害。 twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
#HeroSpotlight Soul Chaser 是一位神秘的魔法师,完全掌握了黑暗巫术的艺术。 她那如玉一般的头发和爪子是她吸收法术的结果,这赋予了她超越人类极限的能力。 Soul Chaser现在能够发射充满致命毒药的魔法能量,将任何敌人变成历史。 我觉得收到她真是我的幸运!😍 #LaunchZone #HeroFi #P2E twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
(1/2)#HeroSpotlight - 灵魂追逐者 - 一个统治灵魂的死灵法师,一个以类人生物的形式出现的无与伦比的存在。 唯有亲眼目睹追魂者真正力量的人,已经不再在地球上行走。 她是一位神秘的魔法师,完全掌握了黑暗巫术的艺术。 twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
#HeroSpotlight (2/2) Hellwolf was not accepted by society, and the news talks about him every time someone captures a photo of him in the woods. This pain pushed Hellwolf to train himself into a ruthless slaughtering machine, and he has at last acquired the power to kill anyone.
#HeroSpotlight - Hellwolf (1/2) Hellwolf, a man-beast full of vengeance, is heaven-sent, but hell-bound being. He was born to this Earth with inhuman strength and a pure soul, yet mistaken by humans to be a mythical monster that feeds on them. #HeroFi #TogetherStronger
(1/2) #HeroSpotlight - 地狱狼 - 地狱狼,一头充满复仇心的人兽,是上天赐予的,却是地狱般的存在。 他以超人的力量和纯洁的灵魂出生在这个地球上,却被人类误认为是一个以他们为食的神话怪物。 twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…