#HeroSpotlight - Poing (1/3) Poing is an impulsive lady who loves to resort to violence as a solution. Once the woman faces a formidable foe, powerful jabs will be launched directly at this unfortunate fellow. #HeroFi #HEROEGG #ROFI #Poing #LaunchZone #LZ
#HeroSpotlight #Poing 是一个冲动的女士,喜欢诉诸暴力作为解决方案。 头戴的魔角,还有比钢铁还硬的巨拳,谁敢站出来与她一战,在他们注意到之前,他们的灵魂已经离开了身体。 Poing 没有怜悯!🤔 她庆祝胜利的方式真有趣! 😂 #LaunchZone #HeroFi #P2E twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
#HeroSpotlight - Poing (2/3) Each of those jabs carries enough force to cancel a life subscription, but Poing will not hesitate to throw a few more within that 1-second time frame just because she can. #HeroFi #HEROEGG #ROFI #Poing #LaunchZone #LZ
#HeroSpotlight - Poing (3/3) With those demonic horns for a headpiece and giant fists that are harder than steel, anyone who dares to step up and fight her would become the very next thing her supersonic fists break after the sound barrier. #HeroFi #HEROEGG #ROFI #Poing
每一拳都足以夺走一条生命,但Poing毫不犹豫地在同一秒内多出几拳,因为她可以。 头上长着两只魔角,还有比钢铁还硬的巨拳,任何想要与她交手的人,下一个就是她的拳头冲破音障。 #HeroFi $HEROEGG #ROFI #Poing