Honored to receive a warm welcome from President @moisejovenel. Our flagship project here is a win-win-win model of international cooperation. It benefits Haitian development, #Taiwan overseas business cooperation, and #Taiwan-#Haiti friendship. #JFDS2019
Thank you, President @moisejovenel for your congratulations. #Taiwan & #Haiti are steadfast partners in the Caribbean, & we will continue to strengthen our diverse cooperation in the years to come. twitter.com/moisejovenel/s…
10 years ago today, an IDF humanitarian delegation flew to #Haiti to help save lives after a devastating earthquake hit the island.
The IDF mission helped locate & rescue survivors trapped in the ruins, treated 1100+ patients, performed 300+ surgeries & delivered 16 babies 🇮🇱🇭🇹 twitter.com/IDF/status/771…
We thank #Eswatini, #Guatemala, #Haiti, #Honduras, #MarshallIslands, #Nauru, #Paraguay, #StKittsAndNevis,
#Australia, #Belgium, #EU, #Japan, #NewZealand, #UK & #US for backing #Taiwan at #EB146. Politics mustn't factor in the spread of #Coronavirus & jeopardize #HealthForAll.
Pleased to meet UN Permanent Representatives #Belize Amb. Young, #Guatemala Amb. Lam Padilla, & #Haiti Amb. Saint-Hilaire & thank them for supporting #Taiwan’s international participation. Politics should never come before people’s health, & #TaiwanCanHelp combat #COVID19.
Many thanks President @moisejovenel for your warm congratulations & continued vocal support for the tradition of mutual assistance & long-standing friendship between #Taiwan & #Haiti. twitter.com/moisejovenel/s…
The disadvantaged won't go hungry on #Taiwan's watch amid #COVID19 in 16 countries like allies #Eswatini, #Haiti, #Honduras & #Nicaragua. We're proud to partner with the Council of #Agriculture & #TzuChi Foundation in donating 10.9K tons of rice by May end. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp
#DominikCumhuriyeti ziyaretimizin ardından işbirliği imkanlarını ele almak ve anlaşmalar imzalamak üzere #Haiti'deyiz. 🇹🇷🇭🇹
Suite à notre visite à la #Républiquedominicaine nous sommes en #Haïti pour explorer les possibilités de coopération et signer des accords. 🇹🇷🇭🇹
#Haiti CB Moise’ye Cumhurbaşkanımız @RTErdogan’ın selam,iyi dilek&davetlerini ilettik. Enerji, inşaat&tarım gibi alanlarda yatırım imkanlarını iş insanlarımızın da katıldığı toplantıda ele aldık. Doğal afetler&salgın sürecinde olduğu gibi daima Haiti’nin yanında olacağız. 🇹🇷🇭🇹
#Haiti’ye ilk ziyaretimde mevkidaşım Joseph’le verimli bir görüşme yaptık.
-Salgın sürecinde güçlü dayanışma gösterdik.
-Ekonomi,kültür,teknik işbirliği, diplomasi akademisi, afetler,arşiv&siyasi istişare alanlarında 7 anlaşma imzaladık. 🇹🇷🇭🇹
#Haiti Ziyaretimiz
Visit to Haiti 🇹🇷🇭🇹
Cooperation & friendship are bringing big benefits to the people of #Haiti. We value @moisejovenel's recognition of #Taiwan's role in giving the farmers of Cite Soleil, Croix-des-Bouquets & Ganthier a chance to grow greener & healthier futures. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp realize #SDG2. twitter.com/moisejovenel/s…
Thank you @moisejovenel for the message of friendship & gratitude. #Taiwan & #Haiti are true friends & partners in prosperity. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp achieve #SDG7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable & modern energy for all.
@claudejoseph03 @MCHaiti @PresumeMichel twitter.com/moisejovenel/s…
Watch @moisejovenel back Taiwan's bid for meaningful participation in the @UN🇺🇳 system. On behalf of the government & people of #Taiwan🇹🇼, we thank the president & #Haiti🇭🇹 for the #UNGA support. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp realize the #SDGs, & we must #LeaveNoOneBehind.
We are grateful to #Haiti president @moisejovenel for supporting #Taiwan’s right to international participation at #UN75. We are proud to be your partner in your fight against #COVID & hope to be able to help more countries around the world respond to the pandemic.
Good to see the strong #WHA73 message of support for #Taiwan🇹🇼 by Pierre Andre Dunbar, chief of @Haiti_UNOG, cleared the Great #TaiwanCanHelp Firewall. We thank our #Caribbean ally #Haiti🇭🇹 for urging the country's @WHO⚕️ observer status. Politics mustn't undermine #HealthForAll. twitter.com/Haiti_UNOG/sta…
Latin America has an out of control police brutality problem. Abuses are not the result of a few bad apples, but of structural deficiencies.
📝hrw.org/news/2020/11/1… #Brazil #Mexico #Chile #Peru #Colombia #Bolivia #Ecuador #Haiti #Argentina #Honduras #ELSalvador #Venezuela
Minister Wu was pleased to meet with Herve Denis & accept the copy of his credentials as #Haiti's🇭🇹 new ambassador to #Taiwan🇹🇼. We wish our friend from the #Caribbean all the very best & expect bilateral ties to continue strengthening under his watch. Thank you for the visit!
Port-au-Prince, #Haiti. 10 years since #Megaquake hit this island. #ハイチ の首都ポルトー・オ・プランス。10年前に #大地震 がこの島を襲い甚大な被害が出ました。
#Taiwan joins President @moisejovenel & the people of #Haiti in celebrating the 65th anniversary of our diplomatic alliance. I look forward to even closer cooperation benefiting our nations & peoples in the years to come. twitter.com/moisejovenel/s…
Vice Minister Tsao proudly launched #FormosaClub #Caribbean. The near 100-strong group of lawmakers from #Belize🇧🇿, #Haiti🇭🇹, #StKittsAndNevis🇰🇳, #StLucia🇱🇨 & #StVincentAndTheGrenadines🇻🇨 are forces for good cooperating closely with #Taiwan🇹🇼 in building better futures for all.
En son Antalya Diplomasi Forumu vesilesiyle ülkemizde ağırladığımız #Haiti Cumhurbaşkanı Jovenel Moise’nin kalleşçe öldürüldüğünü büyük üzüntüyle öğrendim. Huzur içinde yatsın. Ailesine ve dost Haiti halkına başsağlığı diliyorum.