HKT48が語る、デビュー10周年を経て見つめる「未来」と劇場への想い #HKT48 #HKT10周年 #HKT2ndアルバム rollingstonejapan.com/articles/detai…
*talking about age* Nako: I remember when we used to have 2 stages/concerts in a day, I'd still have enough energy to play tag in between the two performances. Now that I'm older, my stamina has really decreased #矢吹奈子 #야부키나코 #YabukiNako #IZONE #HKT48 #HKT10周年
「突然 Do love me!」/ HKT48[公式] youtu.be/CvpImgDOtoY @hkt48_official_ NEW MV🎉 Choregraphy : by me 記念すべき10周年のMV、#突然Do_Love_Me の振付をさせて頂きました🙏🏽✨皆が可愛すぎて終始キュンキュンが止まらなかった💓皆さん是非見てください❣️#HKT48 #HKT10周年 #突然Do_Love_Me
Murashige: Remember how Sakura left us all outfits? Aoi: Right, the sky blue ones Murashige: This is the outfit I'm leaving you Aoi: We can't even use this next year... (it says "Congratulations on 10 years" on it) #村重杏奈 #MurashigeAnna #HKT48 #HKT10周年