What a perfect surprise from the members 😭❤️ Advance Happy Birthday to our one and only Ppirotongtong Doyoung! TREASURE ROCKS FUKUI #TREASURE_HELLO福井 #HELLO_FUKUI #TREASURE_JAPAN_ARENATOUR @treasuremembers
Here's another tour stop for our TREASURE! Are you ready for another amazing show?! You can start dropping the tags below. Let's all celebrate Doyoung's birthday early! TREASURE ROCKS FUKUI #TREASURE_HELLO福井 #HELLO_FUKUI #TREASURE_JAPAN_ARENATOUR @treasuremembers
Praying for everyone's safety for another show today. Have fun and please enjoy every moment of it! ❤️ Rock the stage, our treasures! TREASURE ROCKS FUKUI #TREASURE_HELLO福井 #HELLO_FUKUI #TREASURE_JAPAN_ARENATOUR @treasuremembers
We hope you had enough rest for the second show. Let's run around and enjoy ourselves once again! ❤️ Enjoy and have fun, boys! TREASURE ROCKS FUKUI #TREASURE_HELLO福井 #HELLO_FUKUI #TREASURE_JAPAN_ARENATOUR @treasuremembers
[📢] TAGLINE TREASURE is back with the tour dates and we have two shows to look forward today ➡️ Fukui 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM 💖 Let's wish for the boys to enjoy and be healthy TREASURE ROCKS FUKUI #TREASURE_HELLO福井 #HELLO_FUKUI #TREASURE_JAPAN_ARENATOUR @treasuremembers
คอนเสิร์ตที่ฟูกูอิเริ่มขั้นแล้ว ทึเมทุกคน มาร่วมส่งกำลังใจให้ #TREASURE ผ่านแฮชแท็กและแท็กไลน์ข้างล่างกันค่ะ!!✌🔥 TREASURE ROCKS FUKUI #TREASURE_HELLO福井 #HELLO_FUKUI #TREASURE_JAPAN_ARENATOUR @treasuremembers