Here's another tour stop for our TREASURE! Are you ready for another amazing show?! You can start dropping the tags below. Let's all celebrate Doyoung's birthday early! TREASURE ROCKS FUKUI #TREASURE_HELLO福井 #HELLO_FUKUI #TREASURE_JAPAN_ARENATOUR @treasuremembers
[📢] TAGLINE TREASURE is back with the tour dates and we have two shows to look forward today ➡️ Fukui 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM 💖 Let's wish for the boys to enjoy and be healthy TREASURE ROCKS FUKUI #TREASURE_HELLO福井 #HELLO_FUKUI #TREASURE_JAPAN_ARENATOUR @treasuremembers
Praying for everyone's safety for another show today. Have fun and please enjoy every moment of it! ❤️ Rock the stage, our treasures! TREASURE ROCKS FUKUI #TREASURE_HELLO福井 #HELLO_FUKUI #TREASURE_JAPAN_ARENATOUR @treasuremembers
คอนเสิร์ตที่ฟูกูอิเริ่มขั้นแล้ว ทึเมทุกคน มาร่วมส่งกำลังใจให้ #TREASURE ผ่านแฮชแท็กและแท็กไลน์ข้างล่างกันค่ะ!!✌🔥 TREASURE ROCKS FUKUI #TREASURE_HELLO福井 #HELLO_FUKUI #TREASURE_JAPAN_ARENATOUR @treasuremembers
What a perfect surprise from the members 😭❤️ Advance Happy Birthday to our one and only Ppirotongtong Doyoung! TREASURE ROCKS FUKUI #TREASURE_HELLO福井 #HELLO_FUKUI #TREASURE_JAPAN_ARENATOUR @treasuremembers
We hope you had enough rest for the second show. Let's run around and enjoy ourselves once again! ❤️ Enjoy and have fun, boys! TREASURE ROCKS FUKUI #TREASURE_HELLO福井 #HELLO_FUKUI #TREASURE_JAPAN_ARENATOUR @treasuremembers