Immensely proud to fly with @iingwen & @DrGiammattei, two great leaders of our time, to the ancient Mayan capital #Tikal. Breathtaking scenery & thoroughly enjoyable tour. Want to thank the #Guatemala president for being such a passionate host. JW twitter.com/DrGiammattei/s…
The mission to realize #DemocraticProsperity continues apace! @iingwen, Minister Wu & the #Taiwan🇹🇼 delegation had a marvelous visit to #Guatemala🇬🇹. Such hospitality from @DrGiammattei & his compatriots warmed our hearts! We’re fully committed to our strong diplomatic relations!
#Guatemala Dışişleri Bakanı Mario Bucaro'yu XIII. Büyükelçiler Konferansı’nda ağırladık.
-Kültür ve protokol alanlarında iki anlaşma imzaladık.
- Ekonomik ve ticari ilişkilerimiz ile savunma sanayi işbirliğimizi güçlendireceğiz. 🇹🇷 🇬🇹
Brezilya’daki ikinci görüşmemizi #Guatemala Dışişleri Bakanı Mario Bucaro ile gerçekleştirdik. Ekonomi, savunma sanayii ve kültürel alanlardaki ilişkilerimizi geliştireceğiz.
Met w/FM of #Guatemala @MarioBucaroDT in Brasilia. Discussed economic, defense & cultural relations.🇹🇷🇬🇹
Brezilya’daki ikinci görüşmemizi #Guatemala Dışişleri Bakanı Mario Bucaro ile gerçekleştirdik. Ekonomi, savunma sanayii ve kültürel alanlardaki ilişkilerimizi geliştireceğiz.
Met w/FM of #Guatemala @MarioBucaroDT in Brasilia. Discussed economic, defense & cultural relations.🇹🇷🇬🇹
#Guatemala: A fire was set on part of the Congress building, after a controversial budget bill.
Some note that a suspicious amount of fire extinguishers were set within the building prior to the burning and riot police suspiciously failed to protect it.
Indigenous people in #Guatemala lead their own #HurricaneEta response.
Residents have seen little to no outside help come from either the national government or the international aid sector, and there is a strong sense of neglect.
Report: thenewhumanitarian.org/news-feature/2…
When the world is ever more challenged by authoritarianism, we all need good democratic friends to support each other. @DrGiammattei of #Guatemala is firmly on #Taiwan’s side. No doubt at all. And we are #StrongerTogether. JW
It gives us real joy to see good friend @DrGiammattei with the shipment of #TaiwanCanHelp medical masks. Solidarity, cooperation & trust have long been the foundation of rock-solid #Taiwan-#Guatemala relations. They're also key to combating #Coronavirus & realizing #HealthForAll. twitter.com/DrGiammattei/s…
Mis pensamientos están con todos los afectados por la erupción del Volcán de Fuego en #Guatemala. #Taiwan está listo para prestar asistencia al presidente @jimmymoralesgt en las labores de rescate. 🇹🇼🇬🇹
#İspanya DB Arancha Gonzalez Laya, #GineBissau CB Umaro Sissoco Embalo, #Guatemala DB Pedro Brolo ve #Sırbistan Çalışma, İstihdam, Gaziler ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanı Zoran Djordjevic’le #SantoDomingo’da görüştük.
Minister Wu was honored to accompany @iingwen & @DrGiammattei at the official handover ceremony of the Chinaltenango Hospital, a joint project both presidents are rightly proud of. The facility realized with #Taiwan’s🇹🇼 support to #Guatemala🇬🇹 offers quality medical care to all.
It was a pleasure to meet with Guatemalan President-elect @DrGiammattei today, & I was touched to hear that he chose to visit so soon after his election because he wants to send a clear message to the world: #Guatemala stands with #Taiwan.
Vice President @drjafethcabrera last visited #Taiwan 24 years ago, & it was wonderful to welcome him back once again. He is a strong advocate for public health in #Guatemala, & his surgeon’s background gives him valuable insights into how we can create healthier societies.
Recibimos a @MarioBucaroGT, Canciller de #Guatemala en la 13ª Conferencia de Embajadores.
-Firmamos dos acuerdos en cultura y protocolo.
- Reforzaremos las relaciones económicas y comerciales y la cooperación en la industria de la defensa.🇹🇷🇬🇹
Watch @DrGiammattei voice support for #Taiwan🇹🇼 at #UNGA. We thank the president of #Guatemala🇬🇹 for his friendship & recognition of how the country can contribute to strengthening multilateralism. #TaiwanCanHelp realize the @UN🇺🇳 #SDGs & spur global action on shared challenges!
Watch @DrGiammattei appeal for a @UN🇺🇳 reform that allows true inclusiveness. The 23 million people of #Taiwan🇹🇼 thank the #Guatemala🇬🇹 president for pointing out the absurdity that our fundamental right to participate is denied by one permanent member of the Security Council.
The 1st #GCTF by #Taiwan #US #Japan & #Guatemala is a wrap. Participants from 25+ countries shared strategies for #COVID19, good governance & post-pandemic prosperity. Many thanks VM Tsao @juliechungfso AIT Dir. Christensen JTEA Rep. Izumi @PedroBroloGT & @audreyt for the event.
#Taiwan, #US & host #Guatemala are staging the 1st #GCTF in #LatinAmerica & the #Caribbean! Watch Vice Minister Tsao's special address to discover more about the change-making event. Closer cooperation & friendship is key to tackling global issues & promoting prosperity for all.
A cup of fine coffee with good friends is happiness toasted & time well spent. Today we celebrated stronger & closer bilateral relations with high-quality coffee from #Guatemala.
Nos alegra mucho la visita del presidente @jimmymoralesgt y la primera dama @patydemoralesGT. Hoy celebramos los logros de nuestra estrecha colaboración y dialogamos sobre cómo mejorar los lazos bilaterales entre #Taiwan y #Guatemala.
Fue un placer cenar en #Paraguay con el presidente @jimmymoralesgt y los amigos de #Guatemala. Deseo que nuestras naciones sigan prosperando. 🇹🇼🇬🇹 #TsaiStateVisit
Welcome to #Taiwan🇹🇼, @MarioBucaroGT! It’s always a real pleasure for Vice Minister Yui to greet friends from our #CentralAmerica ally #Guatemala🇬🇹. We’re all geared up to take bilateral relations to new heights & assure the @MinexGt minister a successful 5-day visit.
Diplomatic pressure, big offers & #COVID19 vaccines: None of this was enough to persuade the principled @DrGiammattei to embrace #China. We thank the president for his friendship, loyalty, support & praise for #Taiwan🇹🇼 as #Guatemala's🇬🇹 "only real ally."🔽ft.com/content/7e22bc…