At #GenerationEquality Forum an unprecedented $40B in commitments was unveiled.
Following on, the #16Days of Activism is our chance to celebrate the bold Action Coalition on #GBV leaders & commitment makers who have taken a powerful stand together against gender-based violence.
The number of female CEOs in the #Fortune500 companies hit an all-time record.
Yet, there is still a long way to go to achieve equal representation.
"Join us in the campaign for intersectional gender equality.” - Anne Hathaway, UN Women Goodwill Ambassador
Registration is still open for the #GenerationEquality Forum in Paris, the landmark event to advance gender equality.
👇 #ActForEqual
Women and girls have become targets of online violence more than ever.
Let's use social media to spread awareness & kindness. #GenerationEquality
No more stigma.
No more silence.
No more stereotypes.
No more discrimination.
No more systematic barriers.
No more harmful gender norms.
No more violence against women & girls.
Speak up to make gender equality a reality.
👏 #GenerationEquality #ActForEqual
Lesbian, bisexual and trans women and gender diverse people do not need to be “cured”.
We must #ActForEqual and end violence against the #LGBTIQ+ community.
#GenerationEquality #Pride
#GenerationEquality = Equality for all
Art by: Joelle Jammal
Girls face distinct economic and social barriers to access the Internet and digital devices. We need targeted investments for equitable opportunities for girls to access, use, lead, and design technology. #DayoftheGirl #GenerationEquality
We call on world leaders to implement policies that ensure #equalpay for work of equal value.
It's high time.
Meet some of the young people who are coming together as #GenerationEquality to #ActForEqual and build a better future for all. unwo.men/9YFe50F2Rtj
🎨 Art has the power to advocate for change, shift mindsets, and deliver strong messages, often without any words.
We asked artists to share what #GenerationEquality means to them and how they #ActForEqual 🖌️
Today, we celebrate the 1-year Anniversary of the #GenerationEquality Forum.
✔️Our commitments to gender equality stand for the rights of women and girls across the world now more than ever.
Join us and #ActForEqual
We’ve come a long way for gender equality.
Yet, progress has been too slow.
It’s on all of us who are part of #GenerationEquality to keep the pressure on our leaders to realize women’s rights! #UNGA
Literacy = Opportunity
All women and girls have the right to learn how to read and write, but they continue to be left behind when it comes to education.
We need everyone’s full commitment — from decision-makers to each one of us — in order to make violence against women history once and for all. #GenerationEquality
#GenerationEquality #actforequal #プライド月間🏳️🌈
Women show us every day what it takes to lead.
#GenerationEquality #ActForEqual
Even before #COVID19, women did 3 times more unpaid care work than men.
At the #GenerationEquality Forum in Paris, world leaders & activists will launch concrete & ambitious actions for gender equality.
👇You can #ActForEqual & be part of the Forum. unwo.men/ZfzG50FeZPX
🌟As girls and women, believe in yourselves.
🌟As parents, allow your girls to dream and encourage them to achieve their dreams.
🌟As fathers, be a role model to your sons, treat the women in your lives with respect and love.
One new life should not mean the death of another.
We call on global leaders to improve maternal health everywhere.
"When women are heard.... democracy is more complete."
- United States @VP, Kamala Harris at the #GenerationEquality Forum.
Today, on #DemocracyDay, her words ring truer than ever.
Speak up & #ActForEqual when someone crosses the line.
Every time, everywhere.
Let’s not allow silence to be compliance to a culture of violence. #GenerationEquality
It's 2021 and not one country in the world has achieved gender equality!
This #ActForEqual Week of Action, sign @GlblCtzn's petition calling on governments and stakeholders to make big, bold commitments at the upcoming #GenerationEquality Forum.
Equal rights and opportunities for all people, of all genders, everywhere is not a new vision, but still a bold one. Here's how we plan to achieve it: unwo.men/ui1j50Fw8D8
#ActForEqual #GenerationEquality
With an increase in Internet use during the #COVID19 pandemic, women and girls have become targets of online violence more than ever.
#ActForEqual by using social media to spread awareness & kindness. #GenerationEquality