Gen's newest song, “Comedy,” is out now! Send us your thoughts on the song using the hashtags #GenHoshino #Comedy or #星野源喜劇 ! jvcmusic.lnk.to/kigeki #SPY_FAMILY #スパイファミリー
The “Comedy” music video will premiere on May 5 at 10:00 PM (JST)! Gen will join the chat before the premiere on YouTube around 9:45 PM (JST)! Let's watch the video together! youtu.be/D_Oyplmhhv0 #GenHoshino #Comedy #SPY_FAMILY
Ep.3 of #InnerVisionsHour with #GenHoshino is out now on #AppleMusic! The theme of this episode is "Foolishness"! Gen talks about good kinds of fools and the recording of "Dancing On The Inside (New Year's Eve)"! Enjoy the show! apple.co/innervisionsho… #FUSHIGIandCreate
YELLOW PASS’s Exclusive Livestream Event "ENKAI” merch is out now! Complimentary original paper coasters are available on a first-come, first-served basis! More info on asmart.jp/hoshino_gen_st… #YP_ENKAI #GenHoshino
Gen Hoshino's latest single, "FUSHIGI/CREATE," is now on sale! You can check out the lyrics and song credits on his official website! English lyrics are available as well. Check it out! hoshinogen.com/en/music/sg12 #FUSHIGIandCreate #GenHoshino #星野源
星野源 さん 星野源 POP VIRUS World Tour LIVE in JAPAN 2019 「Week End」feat.Mark Ronson 自由に♬といういつものフレーズは、今日も会場を揺らして◎ instagram.com/p/B55YHCJhkXT/… natalie.mu/music/news/358… instagram.com/p/B55rguhpWD3/… #PopVirusWorldTour #星野源 さん #MarkRonson #GenHoshino
You can now pre-order YELLOW MAGAZINE 2021-2022, a yearbook documenting another year of Gen Hoshino’s musical activities through various interviews and photos! hoshinogen.com/special/yellow… #YM2022 #GenHoshino #星野源
Ep.5 of #InnerVisionsHour with #GenHoshino is out now on #AppleMusic! The theme of this episode is "Breakthrough"! Gen talks about the moments of breakthrough, how he makes the playlists for the show, and much more! apple.co/innervisionsho… music.apple.com/jp/playlist/in…
YELLOW PASS’s Exclusive Livestream Event "ENKAI" Fenghuang Edition merch will be in stock from 20:00 JST on February 10th on A!SMART. More details below! ↓ hoshinogen.com/en/news/detail… #YP_ENKAI #GenHoshino
The "ENKAI" livestream event is now underway! We are currently playing background music requested by YELLOW PASS members. Please watch the show in a place with good connection! liveship.tokyo/enkai/ #YP_ENKAI #星野源 #GenHoshino
호시노겐과「Same Thing (feat. Superorganism)」을 공동제작한 #Superorganism 의 신곡「Into The Sun (feat. Gen Hoshino, Stephen Malkmus, Pi Ja Ma & Axel Concato」가 출시! @SPRORGNSM ▼ 다운로드 & 스트리밍 superorganism.ffm.to/intothesun ▼YouTube youtu.be/ObfX2kpeJnk #GenHoshino
#AppleMusic#星野源 さんの番組 #InnerVisionsHour with #GenHoshino のEp.6が配信されています。最終回のテーマは「#愛」です。星野さん思い出の地・阿佐ヶ谷の喫茶店で収録してます!これまでの回やプレイリストも引き続き聴けますので、ぜひ何度でもお楽しみください!apple.co/innervisionsho…
最初実はもっと到着口寄りに陣取っていたのですが、どんどん押されて後ろになっちゃったらまさかの奇跡的な位置になりましたww これはぶっちゃけ身バレしそうで怖いですが、おすそ分けです😂💕 #PopVirusWorldTour #GenHoshino #星野源 #台北
#AppleMusic#星野源 さんの番組 #InnerVisionsHour with #GenHoshino のEp.2が配信されています。今回のテーマは「#夏」。夕暮れの屋上で初夏の風に吹かれながら収録しました。星野さんの阿佐ヶ谷時代のエピソードは何度聞いても胸が熱くなる……。ぜひお聴きください。 apple.co/innervisionsho…
The ENKAI Fenghuang Edition livestream event is now underway! We are currently playing background music requested by YELLOW PASS members. Check your video and audio settings, and enjoy the music before the performance starts! liveship.tokyo/enkai2022/ #YP_ENKAI #星野源 #GenHoshino
The original merch for Jan. 2023's YELLOW PASS-exclusive "Reassembly" event held in Osaka and Yokohama are now ready! You can buy merch at the venue or via A!SMART starting on 1/11 (Wed.). For more details, check the link below. hoshinogen.com/en/news/detail… #YP_Reassembly #GenHoshino
YELLOW PASS’s Exclusive Livestream Event "ENKAI” Fenghuang Edition merch is out now! Complimentary original paper coasters are available on a first-come, first-served basis! More info on asmart.jp/hoshino_gen_st… #YP_ENKAI #GenHoshino
Gen Hoshino's official setlist-turned-playlist for Fortnite’s Soundwave Series virtual event is out now! Listen via #AppleMusic, #Spotify, and other music platforms. #GenHoshino #Fortnite #SoundwaveSeries jvcmusic.lnk.to/Fortnite
GQ JAPAN 6月号で星野源さんにインタビューしています。 gqjapan.jp/magazine/latest @gen_senden @GQJAPAN #星野源 #GenHoshino #GQJAPAN
#GenHoshino will curate and perform at the BEACH STAGE at #SUMMERSONIC TOKYO on 8/19 (Sat.)! 【“so sad so happy” Curated by Gen Hoshino at SUMMER SONIC BEACH STAGE】 Gen will be sharing a special stage with some of his music-loving friends! summersonic.com/en/news/23-03-…
星野源さんの1年間の音楽活動をまとめたイヤーブック『YELLOW MAGAZINE 2021-2022』の編集・ライティングを担当しています。 今年のYMも写真・インタビュー含め、すごい読み応えです! 詳細 → hoshinogen.com/special/yellow… 予約 → asmart.jp/Form/Product/P… #星野源 #GenHoshino #YM2022
#AppleMusic#星野源 さんの番組 #InnerVisionsHour with #GenHoshino のEp.5が配信されています。今回のテーマは「#突破」です。このエピソードも星野さんと雨の中、雑談しています。どんなに忙しくても「自分でゴールを作って、突破する」のって大切なことですよね……。apple.co/innervisionsho…
星野源さんのオフィシャル・イヤーブック『YELLOW MAGAZINE 2020-2021』。今年も編集者の川田洋平さんと編集を担当しております! hoshinogen.com/special/yellow… #YELLOWMAGAZINE #星野源 #GenHoshino
新しい動画をアップロードしました! SPY×FAMILY 酔っ払いヨル [踊り] です! 是非見てみてください! 🥺 youtube.com/shorts/bz9XfnG… tiktok.com/@panpianoateli… #喜劇 #星野源 #スパイファミリー #ヨル #SPYFAMILY #SPY_FAMILY #GenHoshino #Yor #Yorforger #Kigeki #約兒 #間諜家家酒 #弾いてみた
#AppleMusic#星野源 さんの番組 #InnerVisionsHour with #GenHoshino のEp.4が配信されています。今回のテーマは「#創造」です。星野さんの考えるものづくりの本質、そしてその周辺にあるもののお話を伺っています。apple.co/innervisionsho…