Merchandise for Gen Hoshino’s 10th Anniversary Concert “Gratitude”, which will go live on 7/12, will soon be on sale! You can pre-order goods on A!SMART starting from Friday (7/3) at 6 PM JST! hoshinogen.com/en/news/detail… #GHXA #星野源10周年 #星野源 #GenHoshino
Ep.6 of #InnerVisionsHour with #GenHoshino will be broadcast live on Apple Music 1 on August 1st at 18:00 JST! The final episode’s theme is "Love." The livestream is also available for those who are not subscribed to Apple Music. music.apple.com/jp/station/app…
#星野源 #YELLOWPASS イベント #GenHoshino Presents #Reassembly #大阪城ホール イヤーブック『YELLOW MAGAZINE 』会員イベント🎊 約3年越しの有観客😭 待望の逢瀬を皆んなで喜び合う祝祭であり、とことん楽しむスペシャルな選曲や企画👏源くんの想いとアイデア詰まったまさに喜劇🍀 #YP_Reassembly
The live footage of "Hello Song" from #GenHoshino's 10th Anniversary Concert "Gratitude" is out now on YouTube! The “Gratitude” edition of his single “FUSHIGI/Create” will include uncut concert footage and an unreleased documentary! #FUSHIGIandCreate youtu.be/zs5xDcxAHfI
“I Wanna Be Your Ghost (feat. Ghosts)” will be out on July 18 at midnight! jvcmusic.lnk.to/IWannaBeYourGh… The MV will be out at the same time as its release in Japan! Check out the cover art below!👻 youtu.be/bMPuDj3kGOM #GenHoshino #IWannaBeYourGhost #yokaipedia
The MV for “FUSHIGI” just hit 30 million views! Thanks for all your support! Select subtitles for the language of your choice in the settings. Enjoy Gen's lyrics anew with each listen! youtu.be/ilnLczvLGAY #不思議と創造 #GenHoshino
By pre-ordering or purchasing "FUSHIGI / Create" at participating CD stores across Japan or on participating online stores, you can receive an original mask case! Check out Gen's official website for more details! hoshinogen.com/en/news/detail… #GenHoshino #FUSHIGIandCreate
DJ Jazzy Jeff and Kaidi Tatham remixed Gen's latest song, "Comedy," from a brand new perspective! Their version, "Comedy (feat. DJ Jazzy Jeff & Kaidi Tatham)," is out now! @djjazzyjeff215 @kaidi_kat jvcmusic.lnk.to/kigeki_remix #GenHoshino #Comedy #SPY_FAMILY #spyxfamily
The TV anime #SPY_FAMILY, which has its ending theme written by #GenHoshino, will have its first cour finale on June 25 (Sat.)! In an interview with @ComicBook, Gen talks about #Fortnite’s Soundwave Series, SPY x FAMILY, and its ending theme #Comedy! comicbook.com/gaming/news/fo…
由星野源樂隊所帶來的「一起跳舞吧(Potluck Mix)」也上傳至YouTube囉! 除此之外,特別官方網站上也能免費下載音源。 讓各位無論是電腦或是手機,都能夠自由聆聽! #一起跳舞吧 #DancingOnTheInside #星野源 #GenHoshino hoshinogen.com/news/detail.ph… youtu.be/ct9PgkD9zQE
【7/12線上演唱會!】 10年前的7/12是首次個人演唱會所舉辦的日子,而今年的這一天將舉行「Gen Hoshino’s 10th Anniversary Concert “Gratitude”」線上演唱會! 再次回到當時所舉辦的會場「SHIBUYA CLUB QUATTRO」開唱,千萬別錯過! buff.ly/3er6vXK #GHXA #星野源10周年 #星野源 #GenHoshino
“I Wanna Be Your Ghost (feat. Ghosts)” is out now! Here's the English translation of the lyrics. Enjoy listening to the song with the lyrics! Send us your thoughts on the song using the hashtag #IWannaBeYourGhost! jvcmusic.lnk.to/IWannaBeYourGh… #GenHoshino #yokaipedia
Ep.2 of #InnerVisionsHour with #GenHoshino is out now on #AppleMusic! The theme of this episode is "Summer"! From a certain rooftop in Tokyo, Gen reflects on memories of his old home, his song "Create", and much more! Enjoy the show! apple.co/innervisionsho… #FUSHIGIandCreate
The music video for "Nomad" by #ZionT & #GenHoshino is out now! Directed by Gen, it depicts their daily lives in Japan and Korea, and their feelings of loneliness. #Nomad is inspired by the MCU’s #ShangChi. Check it out! youtu.be/aPwelOkz5qo
Behind the scenes footage for the "Create" music video is out now on YouTube! Watch Gen’s playful side unfold backstage! Music Video:youtu.be/74FIsXlS0EQ BTS:youtu.be/U7Ozb7pq4UQ #Create #GenHoshino
今夜22:30新しい動画をアップロードします! 《SPY×FAMILY》ED「喜劇」です! 是非見てみてください! 「私はその子の母親ですッ!!」🥺 youtu.be/CFLR9HiEBa4 #喜劇 #星野源 #スパイファミリー #ヨル #SPYFAMILY #SPY_FAMILY #GenHoshino #Yor #Kigeki #約兒 #間諜家家酒 #弾いてみた
Apple Musicで配信中の #星野源 さんのラジオ番組 #InnerVisionsHour with #GenHoshino で、星野さんのお話の「聞き手」を担当しています。#AppleMusic でアーカイブとプレイリストが聴けます。ここでしか聴けないトークと、星野さんによるマジで最高な選曲をぜひ!apple.co/innervisionsho…
#InnerVisionsHour with #GenHoshino will be out at 18:00 JST. Gen shares his thoughts and song choices from various places. The first episode will be streamed live worldwide on Apple Music 1. You can tune in even if you haven't subscribed to #AppleMusic! music.apple.com/jp/station/app…
#AppleMusic 上的星野源冠名節目 #InnerVisionsHour 最後一集 EP.6「愛」,將在Apple Music 1進行全球直播! ▼8/1(日)17:00〜(台灣時間) Apple Music 1 On Air music.apple.com/jp/station/app… 尚未加入 #AppleMusic 的人也可以收聽本次的廣播! #星野源 #GenHoshino
【“Gratitude”周邊商品販賣開始!】 7/12(日) 舉辦的線上演唱會『Gen Hoshino’s 10th Anniversary Concert “Gratitude”』周邊商品預購開始! 商品都是取用星野源的10週年紀念Logo「GHXA」。 詳細請確認↓ asmart.jp/hoshino_gen_st… #GHXA #星野源10周年 #星野源 #GenHoshino
The music video for #GenHoshino’s latest song, “Cube,” is out! Directed by choreographer and first-time director MIKIKO, it has dark and intense vibes with dances by ELEVENPLAY and other featured dancers. Keep an eye out for Masaki Suda's cameo too! youtu.be/sen_L0IRN_w
Merchandise for Gen Hoshino’s 10th Anniversary Concert “Gratitude”, which will go live on 7/12, can now be pre-ordered! The merch will feature the “GHXA” logo, in celebration of the 10th anniversary of Gen’s debut. asmart.jp/hoshino_gen_st… #GHXA #星野源10周年 #星野源 #GenHoshino
Gen's new single "FUSHIGI/CREATE" is out now! Today marks the 11th anniversary of his solo debut! Each song included in the single embodies Gen's love for music! Send us your thoughts using #GenHoshino and #FUSHIGIandCreate! jvcmusic.lnk.to/fushigi_souzou…
How was Gen’s Inner Visions Hour EP. 1: “The Heart”? The narrator was voice actress Mutsumi Tamura and the interviewer was Jin Otabe! Listen to the show and the playlist as many times as you like on Apple Music! apple.co/innervisionsho… #GenHoshino #InnerVisionsHour #AppleMusic
Ep.4 of #InnerVisionsHour with #GenHoshino is out now on #AppleMusic! The theme of this episode is "Create"! Gen talks about his creative process outside of song-writing, the meaning behind the lyrics of "Tomato", and much more! apple.co/innervisionsho… #FUSHIGIandCreate