#ガザ空爆】「40時間以上空爆が続いていて、眠ることも休むこともできない。5分後に生きているかも分からない。もう本当に十分だ。どうか自分たちのために祈ってほしい。」と現地スタッフからの声。 #Gaza_Under_Attack
We really appreciate your support, do remember to fill in the Google form after your donation so we can track the total amount raised. #Gaza_Under_Attack twitter.com/LSNTEAM_/statu…
Millions worldwide show solidarity for #Palestine. Israel continues its terror campaign on #Gaza killing scores, injuring hundreds, and displacing thousands. Millions worldwide say enough. #FreeAlAqsa #FreePalestine #FreePalaestine #Gaza_Under_Attack youtube.com/watch?v=Ody-Cs…
The Gaza blockade has left more than 2 million people without sufficient healthcare. Israel has bombed 15 hospitals & killed over 60 children. There are less than 80 ICU beds in all of Gaza left. #EndImpunity #PalestinianLivesMatter #Gaza_Under_Attack youtube.com/watch?v=B0C1yZ…