#GPFigure #GPFinal22 FS Stéphane watching Shoma’s performance and fun kiss&cry moment in the ISU backstage video✨ ISUの舞台裏動画に宇野選手演技中のステファンコーチやキスクラの瞬間が✨ youtu.be/fuCFRYrt8Ng
Shun Sato JPN 4Lz, 4T3T, 3A1Eu3S, 4T, 3A, 3F2T, 3Lo - THAT'S A CLEAN SKATE TO START!! Shun Sato delivering the best free skate he has maybe since he won JGPF in this same arena 3 years ago bit.ly/3BqV0Nn #GPFinal22 #GPFigure
#GPFigure #GPFinal22 Men Medallists: 🥇Shoma Uno 🇯🇵 🥈Sota Yamamoto 🇯🇵 🥉Ilia Malinin 🇺🇸 #FigureSkating
Shoma Uno JPN 4F, 4T2T, 3A TES 54.42, PCS 45.57, SP 99.99 into 1st #GPFinal22 #GPFigure
#GPFigure #GPFinal22 Men Short Programme 1⃣ Shoma Uno 🇯🇵 2⃣ Sota Yamamoto 🇯🇵 3⃣ Kao Miura 🇯🇵 #FigureSkating
Practices done for the men ahead of tonight's #GPFigure #GPFinal22 short programme. Who will you be cheering for? #FigureSkating
#GPFigure #GPFinal22 Shoma and Stéphane at press conference GPFプレカンにて、宇野昌磨選手とステファンコーチ number.bunshun.jp/articles/photo…