Shared perspectives on the international situation and its impact on the G20 deliberations. #G20Indonesia
So happy to have lunch with @cz_binance today during #G20BaliSummit! We discussed about the current market volatility and agreed on it is extremely important to unite and build in tough times and get through it together!💪 #G20Indonesia #RecoverTogetherRecoverStronger
Om Swastiastu! #G20 is the dominating theme here in Bali with summit flags lining up the streets. Leaders gather here from across the world in search for ways toward better global governance. #G20Indonesia
President Xi Jinping and Madame Peng Liyuan arrived in Bali to a warm welcome by locals dressed up in traditional costume. #G20Indonesia
غيابُ بِن سلمان عن قِمَّة المُناخ .. الإمام المهديّ ناصر محمد اليمانيّ 09 - 11 - 2022 مـ Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani youtu.be/QKN8OUbUl1Y #ClimateAndCoronaWarWayOut #محمد_بن_سلمان #الديوان_الملكي #مجموعة_العشرين #ولي_العهد #السعودية #بايدن #G20 #Biden #G20Indonesia twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
#G20Indonesia Here in Bali, a new energy car from a Chinese company catches people's eyes -- a Chinese contribution to #G20 and green development.
President Xi Jinping at the G20 official welcome with President Joko Widodo. President Xi then presented China’s initiatives on global economic governance at Session I of the G20 summit. #G20Indonesia
Together we are taking action. Productive first morning at the #G20Indonesia 👇
Watch my press conference LIVE at #G20Indonesia twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…