#G20India marjında biraraya geldiğimiz #SriLanka Dışişleri Bakanı’na #depremde gösterdikleri destek için teşekkür ettik. Ulaştırma işbirliğimizi ele aldık. Thanked @alisabrypc, FM of #SriLanka, for their solidarity after #earthquake. Discussed our transport cooperation. 🇹🇷🇱🇰
#G20 Dışişleri Bakanları, #deprem nedeniyle saygı duruşunda bulundular ve taziyelerini yinelediler. Destek ve dayanışmaları için teşekkür ettik. FMs at #G20India observed a moment of silence for #earthquake & renewed their condolences. We thanked for their support & solidarity.
#G20India marjında görüştüğümüz #Avustralyalı mevkidaşımla ikili ilişkilerimizi ve #Ukrayna’daki gelişmeleri ele aldık. #Deprem destekleri için müteşekkiriz. W/@SenatorWong discussed bilateral relations & developments in #Ukraine. Grateful for their #earthquake support. 🇹🇷🇦🇺
Ülkemizdeki deprem felaketi Meksika Dışişleri Bakanıyla yaptığımız görüşmenin ana gündemiydi. Meksika’ya deprem yardımları için müteşekkiriz. #Earthquake was on top of our agenda in our meeting w/Mexican FM @m_ebrard. Appreciate their solidarity after earthquake. #G20India. 🇹🇷🇲🇽
#G20India marjında Kanada Dışişleri Bakanıyla yaptığımız görüşmede #deprem yardımları için teşekkür ettik, #Ukrayna’daki gelişmeleri ve #NATO genişlemesini ele aldık. Thanked @melaniejoly for support after #earthquake. Discussed #NATO enlargement & developments in #Ukraine.🇹🇷🇨🇦
#G20 marjında #YeniDelhi’de Rus Mevkidaşım Lavrov’la görüştük. #Deprem yardımları için tekrar teşekkür ettik. Bölgemizdeki son gelişmeleri ele aldık. Met w/FM Lavrov of RF on the margins of #G20India. Thanked again for support after #earthquake. Discussed regional issues.🇹🇷🇷🇺
G20 Dışişleri Bakanları toplantısı için geldiğimiz #YeniDelhi’deki ilk görüşmemizi Hintli mevkidaşımla yaptık. #Dostoperasyonu adıyla ülkemize verdikleri yardım ve destek için teşekkür ettik. First meeting in #NewDelhi w/@DrSJaishankar. Thanked for #OperationDost. #G20India 🇹🇷🇮🇳
Happy to welcome @UN_PGA Csaba Kőrösi on his first visit to India. Reaffirmed India's commitment to multilateralism, including at the UN. We discussed the importance of conserving and optimising global water resources. Welcomed his support for #G20India.
One Earth. One Family. One Future. India has taken over the presidency of #G20India! I trust my friend @narendramodi to bring us together in order to build peace and a more sustainable world.
Speaking at the University Connect Programme. @g20org #G20India twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
Let us join together to make India’s G20 Presidency a Presidency of healing, harmony and hope. #G20India
India’s G20 agenda will be inclusive, ambitious, action-oriented and decisive. #G20India
Our priorities will focus on healing our One Earth, creating harmony within our One Family and giving hope for our One Future. #G20India
Leveraging technology for citizen welfare. #G20India
With the oldest-known traditions of collective decision-making, India contributes to the foundational DNA of democracy. #G20India
India is a microcosm of the world. #G20India
The greatest challenges the world faces today, can only be solved, by acting together. #G20India
One Earth, One Family, One Future. #G20India
India's G20 Presidency to work towards for benefitting humanity as a whole. #G20India
It is time to get inspired by our spiritual traditions which advocate oneness and work together to solve global challenges. #G20India @sanchezcastejon @KumarJugnauth @BDMOFA @President_KR
As India assumes G20 Presidency, PM @narendramodi penned an insightful blog. #G20India nm-4.com/fbyyX6
I firmly believe now is the best time to go further still and catalyse a fundamental mindset shift, to benefit humanity as a whole. #G20India @MohamedBinZayed @AlsisiOfficial @RishiSunak @vonderleyen
I would like to acknowledge the previous G-20 presidencies for delivering significant results. #G20India @jokowi @GiorgiaMeloni @kishida230 @alferdez
India looks forward to working on encouraging sustainable lifestyles, depoliticising the global supply of food, fertilizers and medical products, among other subjects. #G20India @AlboMP @lopezobrador_ @Bundeskanzler
The greatest challenges we face such as terror, climate change, pandemic can be best fought together. #G20India @KremlinRussia @leehsienloong @MinPres @KSAmofaEN