さあ、リハ終了。 日付け変わり今日本番。 淡路島Freedom初上陸だでかましあげるでな。 #ak69 #Freedom #淡路島
You can never know how precious your #Freedom is until someone tries to take it away from you. Finally made it to #Kamuli And yes! We are performing tonight at Kamuli grounds tonight. Thanks for the resounding welcome friends. Aluta Continua
The journey of #Freedom is long and rough but we shall walk it to the end! This is how #Kamuli went down last night. Can't thank you enough.
This is how we entered #Hoima. Thank you friends for the resounding welcome. Let's meet later tonight at the stadium and dance to the songs of #Freedom
Spent the afternoon with the 'father of Constitutional law' in Ug; Hon Justice Prof. Dr. GW Kanyeihamba. Discussed pertinent issues as regards the state of our nation. I always look up to such outspoken & uncompromisable statesmen. #Freedom
Thank you @VOANews & @nbstv for the opportunity to spread the message of #Freedom viral & wide. #StraightTalkAfrica
Matthew 10:28. "Do not be afraid of those who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul." The tyrants of today [like those of then] may harm our bodies but never our souls. Therefore, let us all remain steadfast & be true to the legacy of Janaan Luwum. #JananiLuwumDay #Freedom
Watu wa Uganda wote wanaoishi na kufanya kazi Kenya, let's catch up tomorrow morning as we talk about our country and sing some songs of freedom. Wandugu wetu from Kenya, feel free to join in. #Freedom #PeoplePower
Flight over Mont Saint Michel #Freedom #France 🇫🇷
Dancing In The Sky #Freedom #nature
Give me your vote🗳 : Can China use RED 💰 to buy your freedom? Shall the US companies do whatever the Chinese communist party order them? #Freedom
Riot Gaming is 100% owned by Chinese Tencent. Pro players and hosts of League of Legends are “reminded” to avoid discussing "sensitive issues”. Gaming is freedom. Is banning your voice coherent with the sportsmanship of E-sports? #Freedom
What has South Park has taught us? Sense of humor conquers. That's what the communist regime most lacking when Xi started to ban Winnie the Pooh. We don't want to live in a world that only the joys permitted by the regime are allowed, right? #Freedom
Freedom & democracy around the world. Say NO to police brutality and political imprisonments. #Freedom #Democracy
Returned from prison to find over 37 citizens shot dead in two days. Gen. Museveni is ready to kill thousands to keep in power like he did on the way in. The hunger for freedom is sweeping over Uganda. He may kill us, but he will NOT stop the people's yearning for #Freedom.
Travelling with Cranes along the Loire Valley in France #Freedom
The only good cage is an empty cage #Freedom
[Single '자유' D-1] 새소년 새 싱글 Single '자유' SE SO NEON's new single 'Jayu' 2021.02.05 FRI 6PM (KST) ⠀ TAKE OFF THIS SHIRT AND GO OUTSIDE THE DOOR YOU’LL FINALLY FIND 자유 ⠀ #새소년 #SESONEON #자유 #Jayu #Freedom
Travelling with Cranes along the Loire Valley in France #Freedom
.@justinbieber’s new #Freedom EP is currently on repeat 🔥 Listen now on Deezer. dzr.lnk.to/JB_Freedom/TW
JO1、日本人初のイヴ・サンローラン「LIBRE」WEB CM出演決定 新曲「Freedom」がCM曲に(写真 全4枚) oricon.co.jp/news/2198344/?… #JO1 #新譜 #CM #Freedom @official_jo1
JO1、日本人初YSLフレグランスWEB CMに出演 新曲「Freedom」テーマソングに @official_jo1 #Freedom ▼写真・記事詳細はこちら mdpr.jp/news/2646550
【ニュース】「YSL」の“リブレ”にオーデトワレ登場 JO1とのコラボ楽曲やCMも決定 #JO1 #YSL #リブレ #Freedom wwdjapan.com/articles/12277…
YSL 「LIBRE」と #JO1 のコラボ新ビジュアル解禁!リブレでの⽇本⼈初のWEB CM出演と、新曲「#Freedom」がCMソングに決定 k-plaza.com/2021/06/jo1-66… #ジェイオーワン