NARUTO supporting #FreePalestine 🇵🇸
Good morning Gaza🥄🍉صباح الخير من غزة ( One Fight for us All 🌻 🗝️ معركة واحدة من أجلنا جميعا ) #SaveUkraine 🇺🇦 / 🇵🇸 #FreePalestine
Israel is ethnic cleansing Sheikh Jarrah. We call for international solidarity to Palestine. ✊🇵🇸 #YAC #FreePalestine #PalestinianLivesMatter #SheikhJarrah Subscribe⬇️…
Israel has murdered at least 200 Palestinians, injured 1000s Millions demand: 📢immediate ceasefire 📢military sanctions on Israeli government 📢end illegal settlements 📢end Gaza blockade 📢end evictions in #SheikhJarrah #GazaUnderAttack #FreePalestine…
It really hurts seeing MEDIA being SILENT when it comes to Palestine..please keep spread awareness and help spread these tags to support Palestine.🇵🇸 #SaveSheikhJarrah #FreePalestine #SavePalestine #القدس_ينتفض
Millions worldwide show solidarity for #Palestine. Israel continues its terror campaign on #Gaza killing scores, injuring hundreds, and displacing thousands. Millions worldwide say enough. #FreeAlAqsa #FreePalestine #FreePalaestine #Gaza_Under_Attack…
Israeli police brutality & apartheid has led to the recent fighting between the IDF and Hamas. Israel has massacred at least 33 people including 9 children, while Hamas has indiscriminately fired rockets that have killed at least 2 women. #FreePalestine…
It will be Eid Mubarak soon, but instead of getting love, Muslim in Palestine got attacked. Israeli forces attack them in Al Aqsa Mosque, shoot them, and throw them with grenade. Let's all pray for the Palestine's 🙏🏻 #SavePalestine #FreePalestine
先週末までに、数百名のユダヤ人避難民がウクライナからイスラエルに入国しました。今後数週間で、更に一万人以上のウクライナ系ユダヤ人が受け入れられる見込みです。 その一方で、故郷を追われたパレスチナ難民は74年もの間、彼らの土地、彼らの家に帰る権利を奪われています。 #FreePalestine
Front Persaudaraan Islam (FPI) menyerahkan Mobil Tangki Air dan penampung air untuk konsumsi ataupun bersuci bagi warga Gaza Pelestina dari Rakyat Aceh. Mobil ini dibeli dengan harga Rp  600.000.000, (enam ratus juta) lebih. #FreePalestine #SavePalestine #BDS
Anti-impunity movements worldwide. ✊ (part 3) #EndImpunity 🇵🇭#JunkTerrorLaw 🇳🇦#ShutItAllDown 🇿🇦#AmINext / #EndFemicide 🇨🇴#MingaPorLavida 🇨🇲#AnglophoneCrisis 🇧🇾#Belarusprotests 🇱🇷#RapeNationalEmergency 🇵🇸#FreePalestine 🇿🇲#EndPoliceBrutalityInZambia
At least 217 Palestinians, including 61 children, have been killed in #Gaza since Israel's attacks began earlier this month. The Israeli assault began when Israel moved to ethnic cleanse Sheikh Jarrah, triggering unrest. #GazaUnderAttack #FreePalestine
As Israel misses Hamas' ultimatum to remove its forces from Al Aqsa, a barrage of 1,500 rockets hit Israeli cities. Israel is escalating its attack across #Gaza, #Palestine. Caught in the middle are countless civilians. #GazaUnderAttack #FreePalestine…
The UN says 10,000 Palestinians have been forced out of their homes in the #Gaza Strip, as the death toll from Israeli strikes on the enclave reaches 137. Find out how and why the recent Israeli attacks begun. #FreePalestine #PalestineUnderAttack Sub⬇️…
Kalau tidak bisa mencegah kedatangan Squad Penjajah, setidaknya ramaikan stadion dengan bendera Palestina saat para Zionist bertanding. #FreePalestine #OpIsrael #SavePalestine #BDS #WorldStandsWithPalestine
Warga di New Jersey Amerika Serikat berkumpul dalam aksi membela Palestina dan mengubah nama jalan utama menjadi "Palestine". Sementara itu di New York masyarakat juga menggelar peringatan #Nakba74. #FreePalestine #SavePalestine #BDS
#Israel & Hamas have agreed to a ceasefire. This does not end the 14+ year blockade on #Gaza. Nor does it end the apartheid and state repression Palestinians live under. #Palestinianlivesmatters #FreePalestine Find out why this isn't over yet. Watch⬇️…
Indonesia is always behind Palestine, support you, and love you forever. We're brother and sister! #BDS #FreePalestine #SavePalestine #WorldStandsWithPalestine #OpIsrael
Front Persaudaraan Islam (FPI) pada akhir bulan Maret ini kembali menyerahkan donasi untuk warga Gaza di #Palestina. FPI menyerahkan bantuan tunai dari warga Madura untuk anak Yatim dan kaum Dhuafa. Warga Gaza mengucapkan terima kasih FPI & rakyat Indonesia #FreePalestine #BDS
Amid the current attacks on Gaza by Israel it is important how and why the conflict was sparked: Israel's ethnic cleansing of #SheikhJarrah In #Palestine. #FreePalestine…
もしイスラエルが日本にいたらこうなっていたという再現。「赤」がイスラエルが理不尽に奪った土地の割合を表している。 #FreePalestine