2019年の香港 見てほしい 報道が過少になった今でも変わらず混乱の中にあり多くの事が起こり続けてる そして昨日の周庭さん #AppleDaily オーナー他9名が国安法で逮捕 本当に本当に香港の友達が心配 昨日「手の震えが止まらない」と友人から #FreeHongKong #FreeAgnes 他の逮捕者にも目を向けたい twitter.com/8bit_HORIJUN/s…
#FreeHongKong action at New York Central Station. Proud to be HONGKONGERS! #antiELAB #FreedomHK
香港民主活動家の逮捕という中国共産党政府の横暴に断固抗議し、即時釈放を求めます。幸福実現党の党声明をご覧ください。 #FreeAgnes #FreeHongKong 香港民主活動家 周庭氏の逮捕に抗議する(党声明) | 幸福実現党 - The Happiness Realization Party info.hr-party.jp/press-release/…
In a failed state like #Hongkong, #Carrielam only knows how to suppress, but not govern. What #HKers should do is not merely #FreeHongKong, but also save Hong Kong.
To show your support to HK, pls join the “Eye 4 HK Campaign”: upload a selfie to FB/ IG /Twitter/Reddit with your right eye covered. Remember to tag at 4 friends of yours, and the following: #eye4hk #eye4hkchallenge #nopolicebrutality #freefromfear #DemocracyForHK #FreeHongKong
The way police uses excessive force is unacceptable. #FreeHongKong twitter.com/__datt/status/…
Here it comes. @JimmyLaiApple arrested for "colluding with foreign powers". Make no mistake, #NationalSecurityLaw is an ban on speech & thoughts. Its goal is to transform a free city into a prison like the 🇨🇳#CCP's China. #FreeHongKong twitter.com/samuelmchu/sta…