Gobsmacking to me that a man could be convicted for working with a @UKParliament group in support of a treaty the UK signed and @UKinHongKong @ukinchina @DominicRaab have NOTHING to say about it. #FreeAndyLi twitter.com/galileocheng/s…
And with their imminent trial coming up in a month's time, we urge international governments to keep up the pressure and ensure they do not get tried in secret. #FreeAndyLi #save12hkyouths twitter.com/SecPompeo/stat…
"The difference between government and terrorist organization is that government does not keep collecting hostages. We seek justice for the victims & accountability for the human rights violators." "夠了吧,把這十二個青年放出來!" #FreeAndyLi #save12hkyouths twitter.com/alliancecanhk/…
Indeed, the more people we talk to, the more we discover that Andy has been working tirelessly behind the scene in the past year. But first, we'll have to bring him home. #FreeAndyLi #save12hkyouths Thank you @lukedepulford @Stand_with_HK for the video and the digivan drive. twitter.com/Stand_with_HK/…
Get the instagram filter (instagram.com/ar/11979859172…) and upload a photo to social media with #save12hkyouths even if you can't join the global rallies this weekend. #FreeAndyLi - #Andyismissing for 63 days. twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
#FreeAndyLi Thanks Senator Rubio @SenRubioPress for speaking up! Andy Li, one of the #12HKyouths is charged with “colluding with foreign forces”. #FreeHKpoliticalprisoners twitter.com/SenRubioPress/…
非暴力を貫いた香港の市民活動家アンディ・リー。中国本土で拘束が続いています。安否もわかりません。 #FreeAndyLi #Save12HKYouths twitter.com/lukedepulford/…
#Andyismissing for 62 days. Check if there's a #save12hkyouths rally in your city this weekend and join to show support! For those who could not make it, the #HongKong rally would be held online on Oct 25 @save12hkyouths. #FreeAndyLi twitter.com/andy_is_missin…