Appalling piece of reporting which reads like it was briefed by the prosecution. #FreeAndyLi scmp.com/news/hong-kong…
Yes, I’ve seen them. No comment, aside from this:
Hong Kong’s legal system is an international embarrassment.
Attempts to frame Jimmy Lai are pathetically transparent.
Andy Li has committed no crime.
Gobsmacking to me that a man could be convicted for working with a @UKParliament group in support of a treaty the UK signed and @UKinHongKong @ukinchina @DominicRaab have NOTHING to say about it. #FreeAndyLi twitter.com/galileocheng/s…
This is what torture, duress, and a hopelessly compromised legal system achieves. Few people could withstand it.
#FreeAndyLi twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
#AndyLi turned 31 a few days ago. Behind bars.
Detained for 12 months now. Done nothing wrong. Back in court tomorrow for the latest chapter in his farcical “trial”.
#HongKong’s legal system has become little more than a tool of political persecution. #FreeAndyLi
Six months later Andy is still missing. Reportedly in solitary confinement in a psychiatric institution. God knows what they have done to him.
We are lucky - we have voice. Please use yours to #FreeAndyLi and demand your government raises his case. twitter.com/lukedepulford/…
Thanks Senator Rubio @SenRubioPress for speaking up!
Andy Li, one of the #12HKyouths is charged with “colluding with foreign forces”.
#FreeHKpoliticalprisoners twitter.com/SenRubioPress/…
7 months in jail hasn’t broken him. They’ve now taken him to a facility to stop him talking about his treatment in a Chinese prison.
The bravest man I have ever met: ANDY LI
#StandwithHK #FreeAndyLi twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
I’ve been contacted by legislators all over the world today making clear that they’re paying very close attention to the trials of the #HK12
And with their imminent trial coming up in a month's time, we urge international governments to keep up the pressure and ensure they do not get tried in secret. #FreeAndyLi #save12hkyouths twitter.com/SecPompeo/stat…
Thanks to whoever sent these.
100 days since capture.
We have not forgotten you.
After coercing out letters to sing praises of the detention centre from a 3-month info blackout, it seems that the CCP has finally forced sufficient “confession” from all of them for prosecution. This is not a fair legal process they are going through. #save12hkyouths #FreeAndyLi twitter.com/XinqiSu/status…
#Andyismissing for 89 days.
And no, we haven't received any news from Andy. For all we know, he's probably silently resisting their coercion to write pacifying letters that would downplay their mistreatment.
He hasn't given up. Nor would we.
#save12hkyouths #FreeAndyLi twitter.com/save12hkyouths…
No, I’m not wading in on what #HK should think about the #USElection2020
People can and should disagree. It’s healthy.
Will focus instead on ensuring the UK keeps its treaty promises. Right now, we are failing to keep them.
#save12hkyouths #FreeAndyLi
It's been 70 days since #AndyIsMissing. It is very worrying that we are still unable to reach #12HKyouths as there is no guarantee to their well-being while held by CCP as political prisoners.
Please watch the video. Spread the word. #save12hkyouths #FreeAndyLi Bring them home. twitter.com/frances_hui/st…
So China's response to a global demand for the #12HKyouths to meet with their family-appointed lawyers is to take the lawyers out of the picture.
Typical CCP approach to an issue - deal with the person who raised the question instead of the problem.
#FreeAndyLi #save12HKyouths t.co/jYwVXf5l46
"The difference between government and terrorist organization is that government does not keep collecting hostages. We seek justice for the victims & accountability for the human rights violators."
#FreeAndyLi #save12hkyouths twitter.com/alliancecanhk/…
Indeed, the more people we talk to, the more we discover that Andy has been working tirelessly behind the scene in the past year. But first, we'll have to bring him home. #FreeAndyLi #save12hkyouths
Thank you @lukedepulford @Stand_with_HK for the video and the digivan drive. twitter.com/Stand_with_HK/…
Thank you @Stand_with_HK for this.